+918153 261733/261833

About IQAC

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was institued in the college on 10th November, 2009 as a Quality Sustenance Measure.The IQAC has evolved mechanisms and procedures and made a significant contribution in the post Accreditation phase for ensuring enhancement and integration among the various activities of the institution and internalizing its good practices. The prime tasks of the IQAC are To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institution. To channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence

IQAC Committee Members

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Annual Reports

Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in Accredited Institutions. To make quality the defining element of higher education in India through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives

Best Practices

Best Practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means or because it has become a standard way of doing things, e.g., a standard way of complying with legal or ethical requirements.

Strategic Planning

is the integral component of good management. The strategic plan charts direction and guides the processer. Institution can develop strategies and action plans the details what will be accomplished to achieve, strategic planning goals and objectives every year. These action plans together with performance measures provide the strongest links between the academic years. The purpose of planning is to improve the chances of reaching desirable possible outcomes.

IQAC Annual Report

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Institutional Annual Reports

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Student Satisfactory Survey 2021 -2022

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Department Contact Info

Geetha Road, Robertsonpet
Kolar Gold Fields

+91 8153 261733 / 261833
Mobile: +91 - 9740825425

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
