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1. Guidance for Competitive Examination

Competitive exams provide students entry into many study-courses that are career-oriented. While these exams test the students’ knowledge of the subjects they study, they also check their skills in many other areas . The specialized training required to attempt and perform successfully in these entrance exams is imparted by inviting resource persons who are qualified to do so. The departments or college also arranges for oral interaction session for final year students who are interested.

The following are some of the many competitive entrance exams that our students attempt for which we provide training:

  • Campus Recruitment Training
  • Common Admission Test (CAT)
  • Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
  • Civil Services

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2. Soft Skills

Soft skills - is an important factor that informs and influences the selection and implementation of many co-curricular and extracurricular courses. In addition to a strong academic foundation, we consider the development and improving of soft skills essential to the learning process. Worldwide it is a matter of importance that people who have depth subject knowledge often fail to conduct themselves as ethical and responsible individuals and lack a civic sense. The soft skills courses are designed to overcome this deficit. SBMJC offers a range of such courses that help students understand Ethics, personality Skills & Etiquette, Time Management and Team Dynamics. Students can also avail of courses that improve their Communication Skills, both spoken as well as written, Problem Solving Skills and help to build confidence. All these soft skills are aimed at inculcating students with personal attributes that will help them conduct themselves effectively in both social and work environments.

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3. Career Counseling

In a competition driven economy, education is more often than not a stepping stone to a career and a means of earning a livelihood. At the same time, students who enter college lack the focus towards making of their career. SBMJC takes initiative by bringing in eminent personality from various corporate fields to provide career guidance and informed decisions regarding academic courses and career choices. With a view to assist them get clarity in the matter, the college provides students career counseling right from admission through the three years of education. Career Counseling is conducted by various departments who bring in resource persons, alumni, and industry representatives to interact with students. Students get the opportunity to undergo tests that gauge their aptitude based on which they can choose future options. The placement cell is another body within the college that helps students applies for suitable jobs that suit their abilities and skill.

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4. Remedial Coaching

Remedial Coaching in all subjects is conducted throughout the academic year by the teaching faculty for those students who are identified as requiring extra help to cope with their academic programs. Apart from the regular remedial coaching following tests and exams, the faculty also caters to on-demand sessions by individuals and groups of students at any time during the semester. Sessions are usually conducted after regular classes. .Students with higher cognitive skills are roped in to help classmates keep up with what is done in class and also with tests and exams. Teachers maintain a register of students attending remedial classes and follow up regularly on the progress they make. Interaction among the mentors and mentees also is done on every second and fourth Saturday of each month for better assessment of students

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5. Bridge Courses

As the name suggests, a Bridge Course, is a course that helps a student prepare to take on the challenges of college education. A college education, with its focus on select subjects can be a difficult if the students are from diverse academic background. A bridge course is designed to help students get a quick but effective exposure to a realm of knowledge; it is in effect a crash course serving to needs of the student with some foundational information that introduces the student to the program they take. Many departments in college have a bridge course which serves to introduce basic concepts and requirements of a subject’s study to a student. These courses are conducted right at the commencement of the academic year to prepare the student for the rigors required of the longer program. The Department of English, for instance, often conducts a spoken English bridge course for students from non-English medium background to help them cope with the language in which instruction will take place. it will also help these students communicate with fellow students and fit into college life.

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6. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are a discipline, the practice of which help to connect the body and mind and thereby ensures both mental as well as physical health of an individual. In a technology driven world, where most young people live sedentary lifestyles, limiting all activity to the operation of electronic gadgets like the computer and mobile phones, it is imperative that physical exercise becomes an integral part of education. It is with this objective in mind that SBMJC includes Yoga and Meditation as part of its students’ lives and activities. The counseling cell of the college arranges yoga and meditation session on Saturdays. These sessions have been conducted by external professional trainers and are open to both students and teachers. Yoga is a great stress reliever and helps its practitioners to rejuvenate and get back to daily hectic routines with renewed vigor and energy.

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7. Personal Counseling

Our most important stakeholders are the students themselves. They are a large body of young generation who are at a stage in life where they are psychologically and emotionally weak. Concerns like sexuality, identity, academic demands social media exposure and peer pressure often take a toll on the youth. For this reason, the college has student counselor on the campus on all working days. Student welfare officer is available in person and throughout the working hours. Students are made aware of their presence and availability during orientation. The counselors’ rooms are located in a quiet and pleasant part of the college campus both staff and students can avail of counseling services. Mentors, who are responsible for monitoring their wards’ progress, direct them to the counselor when the need arises. The counselor maintains strict confidentiality where information regarding their clients is concerned.

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Contact Info

Geetha Road, Robertsonpet
Kolar Gold Fields

Ms. Nazneen Ahmed
+91 9916617200

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.