+918153 261733/261833 | Accrediated B+

Examination Committee


The Examination committee is an apex body of the Institute which is headed by Examinations In-Charge (EI) and shall be facilitated by three sections: Examination, Record Maintenance and Administration. The main function of this Committee is to carry out examinations, publish results and award certificates (provided by the University and Institute) to the students who pass the final examinations. Keeping the record of each and every issue related to the examination and organizing workshops and seminars for the improvement of the examination system are also the responsibilities of this Committee.


  • To conduct Internal Assessment and External Assessment Examination related all work as per University notifications and ordinance.
  • The Exam Cell shall distribute the Exam Forms of the University to regular students (the fees for the same are collected as part of the college fees) and collect them back after having them duly filled in.
  • The Exam Cell shall put up notice inviting students to have the exam form collected and returned in due time.
  • The Examination Committee shall prepare relevant time tables for our College based on the Examination Time Table.
  • The Examination Committee shall make the Block and Seating Arrangement and display them on the concerned Notice Board/Website and Blocks.
  • The Exam Committee shall prepare and display an overall Supervision Duty List as well as Daily Supervision Duty List on the Staff Notice
+91 - 08153 261733 / 261833
Mobile: +91 - 8861781091

Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal

Mr. Tony Lazarus Prem Kumar, Asst. Professor
Dept. of Management Studies