+918153 261733/261833 | Accrediated B+

Parent Relationships Centre

Parent teacher association meeting is held twice a year. Students, Teachers and Parents are the three important parts of the process of education. Parents cooperation is needed to deepen the impression made by the teachers. The students are with the teacher for 6 hours and with the rest of the society and with parents for 18 hours.

Parents and the society have a close relation to the student. To let the meeting of the minds, to understand the individual characteristics of a student and to judge their capacity, the cooperation of the parents is very important. Therefore parent teacher association exists to provide closure links between home and college an excellent way to bring staff, parents and students together socially in support towards an institution working towards a common goal.

As Parents and family members, you have to play an important role as parents in your student’s college success.

We are aware of the tremendous role that you have played in your child’s education throughout the years. We believe you can continue to play a valuable role in your student’s college experience.

We are committed to providing you with appropriate information and support to help your child to develop independence, knowledge and communication skills, responsibility leadership, and life-long success.

The Need For Parent Relation Cell

  • To give information about the students.
  • To get the cooperation of the parents for regular attendance of the students.
  • To inform parents about assignments, activities conducted.
  • To emphasize the need to supply the students with books, notebooks and other essential equipment.
  • To insist students to follow the rules framed by the college.

Duties And Responsibilities

  • The main role of Parent Relation Cell is to build strong relationship among parents-teachers and college in support of students.
  • To keep an accurate record of students and also to encourage parents to keep track of their ward.To update minutes of meetings.
  • Suggestions regarding the students overall performance
  • Based on issues, respective faculties are suggested with suitable action and to maintain confidential report.
  • Parents may discuss personal issues of the students, if interested to build a strong relationship between the college, parent and students.
  • To entertain the complaints of students and also taking the help of extra counselors if necessary and suggesting various academic programmes for the progress of their ward.
+91 - 08153 261733 / 261833
Mobile: +91 - 8861781091

Faculty Members

Mr. Tony Lazarus Prem Kumar, Asst. Professor
Dept. of Management Studies

Ms. Sandhya V., Asst. Professor
Dept. of Commerce

Ms. Roselin, Asst. Professor
Dept of Life Science

Mr. Kalai Chalvan
Dept of Physical Science