+918153 261733/261833

Women's Cell

Women's cell of SBMJC, K.G.F. was established in the year 2013. The Women Cell is constituted to help and maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the Institution to enable women to pursue their work with dignity and reassurance. The Cell has been working to raise awareness on gender equality. The cell purely safeguards the rights of the female students and staff members. It also contributes to incorporate hygienic habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the institution.


  • To safeguard the rights of female students and staff
  • To ensure personality and academic development of female students
  • To create an awareness in the female students of their legal rights
  • To create mutual respect and dignity for the opposite gender
  • To sensitize gender issues for women empowerment
+91 - 08153 261733 / 261833

Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal

Ms. Suma
Dept. of Management Studies

Ms. Sangeetha
Dept. of Computer Science