+918153 261733/261833 | Accrediated B+


Hindi is the official language of most of the states in our country. It is promoted greatly at the National Level too. In our institution, Hindi plays a dominant role. We recognize the rising level of social aspiration in the young to learn Hindi. For a greater share in the Nation’s political, social and techno-economic life, Hindi has anticipated progress and contributed to the growth of knowledge and skills. The institution is able to build committed and secular society, while also be sensitive to India’s rich culture and linguistic diversity and its composite culture. Hindi Kalamanch, regularly organizes competitions, National seminars and workshops for students and faculty members and also encourages the participants. Hindi Diwas is annually celebrated on a grand scale.

Objectives of our Department are as follows:

  • To create access to learn with ease
  • To develop an interest in the learning skills
  • To enable the young minds to believe that it is possible to learn the language
  • To promote National unity and integrity with special care
  • To help an individual to understand the nature of human dignity and to learn an extra language

Department Contact Info

Department of Hindi

+918153 261733/261833

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Student Resources Download Syllabus

Dr. Shabbeer Basha MA, B.Ed, M.Phil, P.hd

Head of the Department.

Experience: 20 Years

Mr. Vijaya Kumar P

Designation : Asst. Professor
Gender : Male
Qualification : MA, B.Ed.,
Experience : 6 Years
Date of Entry into Service : 24-7-2013

Ms. Rekha Menon P

Designation : Asst. Professor
Gender : Female
Qualification : MA, B.Ed.,
Experience : 12 Years
Date of Entry into Service : 1-7-2015