+918153 261733/261833 | Accrediated B+

Rotaract Club

Rotaract is an organisation of young adults (the age group of 18 to 30 years )of different professionals and Educational backgrounds that is defined neither by religious nor political motives. Rotaract is one of the largest youth organisations in the world with around 175000 members in about 7500 clubs in 156 countries in the world.

Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces. Clubs around the world also take part in international service projects, in a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world.

“Rotaract” stands for “Rotary in Action”, although the name originally comes from a combination of “Rotary” and “ Interact” (International + Action ).


  • To develop Professional and Leadership skills.
  • To emphasize respect for the rights others, and to promote ethical standards and the dignity of all useful Occupations.
  • To provide opportunities for young people to address the needs and concerns of the community and our world.
  • To provide opportunities for working in co-operation with sponsoring Rotary Clubs.
  • To motivate young people for eventual membership in Rotary.
+91 - 08153 261733 / 261833
Mobile: +91 - 8722345164

Mrs. Sandhya, Asst. Professor
Dept. of Commerce

Mr. RaghavendraRao K R., Asst. Professor
Dept. of Commerce

Students Coordinators

Rtr Srinidhi, BCOM
Rtr Nisarga, BCA