National Level Workshop on Python Programming

The Department of Computer Science in association with IQAC jointly Organized Two Days National Level Workshop on Python Programming NEP – 2020. 3rd &4th July 2023,            

 Resource Person: Dr. S Thanga Durai MBA. MCA.  CEO, Rats Technologies, Bagalur.

Topic:  Python programming more than 265 students from various colleges Participated in this workshop.

Date: 3rd& 4th July 2023

Resource Person: Dr. S Thangadurai MBA., MCA.M.Phil.

CEO, Rats Technologies, Bagalur

Venue:  Conference Hall

No of Students Attended:  265


  • To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
  • To learn how to design and program Python applications.
  • To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
  • To learn how to identify Python object types.
  • To learn how to use indexing and slicing to access data in Python programs.
  • To define the structure and components of a Python program.
  • To learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.
  • To learn how to write functions and pass arguments in Python.
  • To learn how to build and package Python modules for reusability.
  • To learn how to read and write files in Python.
  • To learn how to design object‐oriented programs with Python classes.
  • To learn how to use exception handling in Python applications for error handling.

About the session:

Day 1: Students Learnt about the following concepts

  • Python Introduction
  • Python Environment Setup
  • Python Variables and Rules to Declare Variable
  • Python Input Output
  • Python Comments
  • Python Data Types

Day 2:Students Learnt about the following concepts

  • Function in Python
  • List as Array in Python
  • Array Module in Python
  • PIP in Python
  • String in Python
  • Numbers in Python

National Level Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Modern Science

The Department of Life Sciences and Physical Science organized National Level Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Modern Science on 16th & 17th November 2023   Resource person Dr. Mahendra Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University, faculty members and Students from other institutions were present total numbers of participants 265

Resource person: Dr Mahendra Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Gulbarga University

Dated: 16th& 17th Nov 2023

Venue:Conference Hall

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm


To develop reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and support in field of science.

Topic covered:

  1. Life Sciences & Biomedicine.
  2. Big Data with Big Theory to Build Virtual Humans 
  3. Ability to navigate independently in normal life situations.

Learning outcome: 

It provide students with an advanced understanding of how AI and machine learning techniques are transforming healthcare delivery, clinical decision-making, and biomedical research

Total No. of students registered and completed: 256

Career Guidance Program

Career guidance program was organised by IQAC in association with ASMS Bangalore to all the final year students on 17th May 2024 in the auditorium from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Dr L Jayapandian IQAC Co-ordinate and Mrs. Kasturi head department of commerce were present.

Resource Person Mr. Sreesanjan Memon Asst. Prof. ASMS Bangalore

215 students participated in this program and got benefitted

Campus Drive – HDB

The placement cell in association with HDB financial services organised campus drive on 29th may 2024. Dr. L. Jayapandian placement officer Mr Tony head department of management studies SBMJC KGF were present

115 students participated in the drive

Mr. Suresh H R manager HDB