Womens cell event


Dept. Of Cs HOD, Received One Day National Seminar Certificate form Dr.Hanumantappa MCA Co-ordinator

Dept. Of Computer Science Siddarama S Asst.Professor & HOD Received One Day National Seminar Certificate form Dr.Hanumantappa MCA Co-ordinator Bangalore University  in Dayanand Sargar College Bangalore on 3-2-2016 Topic: CYBER SECURITY   

Dept. Of Computer Science

Siddarama S

Asst.Professor & HOD

Received One Day National Seminar Certificate form Dr.Hanumantappa MCA Co-ordinator Bangalore University  in Dayanand Sargar College Bangalore on 3-2-2016


Received From Dr.Hanumantappa MCA Co-ordinator BU
Received From Dr.Hanumantappa MCA Co-ordinator BU


Student Legal Awarness 2016

DSC_0898 DSC_0903 DSC_0907 DSC_0910 DSC_0911 DSC_0915 DSC_0920 DSC_0922 DSC_0926 DSC_0918 DSC_0929 DSC_0938 DSC_0942 DSC_0946 DSC_0954 DSC_0958 DSC_0967 DSC_0971 DSC_0977 DSC_0979 DSC_0992 DSC_0995 DSC_0999 DSC_1028 DSC_1033 DSC_1067 DSC_1101 DSC_1105


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Dept. Of Computer Science Faculties Attended National Seminar

The Dept. Of Computer Science Faculties Attended National Seminar at Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce on 3rd February 2016 Organized by: CompTIA  Topic: Cyber -Security  Objective of the seminar: To help the participants to set-up cyber security at work places by reducing the knock-on effects such as online threats, network intrusions, hacking … Continue reading “Dept. Of Computer Science Faculties Attended National Seminar”

The Dept. Of Computer Science Faculties Attended National Seminar

at Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce

on 3rd February 2016

Organized by: CompTIA 

Topic: Cyber -Security

 Objective of the seminar: To help the participants to set-up cyber security at work places by reducing the knock-on effects such as online threats, network intrusions, hacking attempts, data leakage etc.

National Level Seminar
National Level Seminar