Guest Lecture

The Department of Life Science organized Guest Lecture on career guidance in the field of Life Science on 5th June 2024

The resource person Mr. Dhanush S (Alumni), M.Sc Bioinformatics, REVA University, Bengaluru encouraged the students to higher education in the respective field.

54 students participated and gained knowledge on the importance of higher studies.

World Environment Day

The NCC & NSS Unit jointly organised tree plantation program on the eve of World Environment Day the 5th June 2024. This program helps to create awareness about various issues that have adverse effects on the environment, like global warming, over pollution and crime against wildlife. The environment plays an integral role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem we live in. More than 30 sapling were planted at King George Hall, Robertsonpet, Kolar Gold Fields. Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal of SBMJFGC, KGF, Dr. Jayapandian L NSS Program Officer of SBMJFGC, KGF,Mr. Chowde Gowda M, NCC Care Taker of SBMJFGC, KGF, Dr. Rakesh T M Physical Education Director of SBMJFGC, KGF, and Mr. Kiran, Physical Education Director of SBMJFGC, KGF.

Total Participants 50

World No Tobacco Day

World no tobacco day  awareness program was organised by NSS unit of SBMJC KGF  in association with police department and lawyer association KGF on 31st May 2024. Dr Rekha Sethi principal Sri Mahendra Kumar CAO Dr L Jayapandian NSS program officer participated in this program

280 students participated in this program


Date: 28th .5.2024

The student’s Dress up in Retro fashion and Channel their self in to 60s, 70s, or 80s style and put together a Retro outfit for the day. All around 800 students participated actively from all the streams.


The cultural forum organised FUN WEEK 2024 starting from 27th May 2024 to 31st May 2024 the FUN WEEK represented each day with different themes and interesting activities in the college for the students.

Venue: Open Auditorium

27/5/2024 – Halloween Day

28/5/2024 –Retro Day along with Dance Competition

29/5/2024 –Black And White Day along with Treasure hunt

30/5/2024 –Hollywood and Bollywood Day along with Fashion Walk

The entire degree student from all the streams participate activity and had a photo session every day based on the theme for the FUN WEEK-2024.

Date : 27/5/2024

The students had dressed up them self as Halloween and had faced painting representing the theme. All around 750 the students participated actively from all the streams