Premium Beauty CareCourse

5 Days Certification course The women Empowerment Cell organized 5 days Premium Beauty Care certification course in association with Bright Educational, Cultural and charitable Trust, KGF, Rooman Technology, Jessy Bridal studio Academy, Bangalore.  The students were taught skill based practical course under Support To Training and Employment Programme For Women-STEP scheme with certified from National Skill Development Corporation.  The classes were held on 7th March 2022 to 11th March 2022.

Day 1- Advanced Hair cut and Hair Settings.  Day 2-Facial strokes and skin care, Day 3-Self Threading, Day 4- Self Straightening, Day5-Self Beauty care (CTM, Bleach, D-Tan and benefits with product knowledge)

No. of participants:  50 Girl Students, 10 Faculty members and 10 women in and around the college.


Day 2: Chief Guest Dr. K. Dharanidevi Malagatti, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Kolar Gold Field. Addressed the gatherings and shared the intense of Gender Equality, women as a symbol of power and how the young generation needs to reshape their own perception and views to step up as women to take up the lead.

The Chief Guest Dr. Dominic. D Registrar, Bengaluru North University, Professor, Dept of Kannada Studies, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru University, Bengaluru. Graced the occasion and had a session with the students on the topic ‘Gender Sensitization ‘ and enlightened the young minds in restructuring the gender roles based on efficiency and motivated them to work for higher productivity of men and women equally rational gender quality.

Women Empowerment cell upholds women’s achievement by honoring a front line warrior sister Vennila, Nurse, KGF General Hospital KGF, who worked 24/7 during the pandemic to serve people who suffered from Covid-19 as a recognition and tribute to women the cell aimed at honoring one such women in our society.

Chief Guest: Dr. K. Dharanidevi Malagatti, IPS, Superintendent of Police,   Kolar Gold Field.

Dr. Dominic. D  Registrar Evaluation Bengaluru North University,   Professor, Dept of Kannada Studies,   Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru University,  Bengaluru.

No. of participants: 300 students and 30 faculty members were present


The Women Empowerment Cell celebrated International Women’s day on 8th March 2022 and 9th March 2022 on the theme “Gender Equality Today For a Sustainable Tomorrow”. 

March 8, 2022 day 01, the chief guest Dr. Suresh Kumar H.M, District Surgeon, KGF General Hospital, KGF addressed the gathering and highlighted the true meaning of women empowerment and women getting a quality education further, he also assured that gender inequality can be eliminated by the young minds.

The chief guest Mrs. Indira Joseph, Principal, Sambram Institute Of Nursing KGF graced the occasion and shared her views on the critical aspect to achieving gender equality

Chief Guest: Dr. Suresh Kumar HM, District Surgoen, KGF General Hospital, KGF.

Mrs. Indira Joseph, Principal, Sambram Institute Of Nursing, KGF.

No. of participants: 300 students and 30 faculty members were present



Dated 07th February 2022, the Women Empowered Cell organized a “Guest Talk on How to be a well dressed confident woman” girl students gained an exposure on how they can be a confident women and further discussed on self grooming, body shapes, confidence building and everything related to an empowering an individual’s inner self.

Resource Person: Ms. Varsha Nahar R, Content Creator, Free Lancer Stylist, Kolar Gold Fields, No. of Participants: 250 Girl students and women faculties

Outcome: Students were able to adopt high level of confidence , self-efficacy to believe in their ability, positive assessment of one’s capabilities and low fear of failure,  Students actively participated and very much interested to adopt the techniques for developing self-confidence.

Guest Lecture on ‘Understanding Women’s Empowerment’

The Women Cell SBMJFGC organized a Guest Lecture onUnderstanding Women’s Empowerment’ on 30th September 2021, with the objective of creating awareness among girl student about the role of women empowerment in the society.

Resource Person: Ms. Anitha, Assistant Professor, St. Anne’s Degree College for Women Halasuru, Bengaluru-08 No. of Participants:  45 Girl Students and women faculties

Outcome: Students understood the status of women during ancient times and present era. Various government schemes were highlighted about women up-liftment E-certificate was provided to all the participants. The key seven principles of women’s empowerment were discussed