Event: WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY-2023 Date:10th OCTOBER 2023 Day: Tuesday Time:2.00 PM Venue: Auditorium
Event Coordinator: Mr. Chenga Reddy, SCC Coordinator, Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer
Resource person: Ms. Nazneen Ahamed Psychologist, Vice Principal, IQAC Coordinator in HUDA National College, D K Halli, Bangalore
The Student Counseling Cell(SCC) conducted “World Mental Health Day” at SBMJFGC, KGF on 10th October 2023 at 2.00 pm in the Auditorium.
The program was hosted by Ms. Abhinaya, Ms. Alina Muskan, SWC members, Welcome speech given by Ms. Asfiya fathima, SWC member.
The program was inaugurated by “Watering the plant”. Dr. Antony Gruze Thangaraj J, Professor, PG Commerce Department SBMJFGC, KGF, addressed the resource person.
Ms. Nazneen Ahamed delivered the awareness of “World Mental Health Day” in detail . The program ended by vote of thanks by Ms. Arfa naaz member of SWC.
There were 06 faculty members and 150 students who participated.