Teacher’s Day Celebration-2024

Event: TEACHERS DAY-2024

Date: 05th September 2024

Day: Thursday

Time: 11.30 am

Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changa Reddy, SWC coordinator

Venue:  Conference hall

Participants: Admin staff, PUC , Degree students and Faculty members of various departments.

The Student Welfare Council (SWC) had taken the initiative to organize a Teachers Day celebration at Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF on September 5, 2024, and the celebration began at 11:30 a.m. in the conference hall. There were 95 faculty members and 35 students who participated. The program started with welcome speech by Ms. Swapna along with lighting of a lamp. The program was hosted by Ms. Alina muskan and Ms. Muskan anjum, SWC members. Welcome speech by  Ms. Aliya firdose, SWC member, followed by the inaugural speech by Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF, Dr. Jayapandian, NSS officer and IQAC Coordinator, and Mr. Murali Kumar, PUC coordinator, who spoke about the significance of Teachers. A few games have been organized to entertain such as Treasure Hunt, IN-OUT, Tug Of War, . The program ended by vote of thanks by Ms. Asfiya Fathama, SWC member. Food was served after the end of the celebration.


The Counseling Centre Organized Guest Lecture Program  on “Stress Management Techniques” for  Ist Year Ist Sem Degree Students (B.Com, B.Sc, BBA and BCA) on 29th August 2024 at 11.15am in the Auditorium.

The program was inaugurated by “Watering the Plant”. Ms. Latha Priya Wellbeing Officer and Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJFGC KGF, Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-Ordinator and NSS Officer, Mr. Changareddy S Counseling Centre Officer,  Ms. Louisena Vinodh Priya and Ms. Roselin  HOD Department of Life Sciences of SBMJFGC, KGF and Faculty members were present.

Objective :  Stress Management Techniques : Stress Management Techniques involves controlling and reducing the tension that occurs in stressful situation by making physical and mental changes. Its refers to a wide range of techniques and strategies designed to help individuals cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress. The Resource Person was organized  many  activities like Relaxation Techniques, Physical and Mental Exercise, Time Management Techniques, Friendly Social Network , Positive Mindset Techniques and Positive Relationship Techniques.


1. It created Positive Attitude towards the students

2. It created how to face the personal and interpersonal problems in the society.

3. It enhances their overall wellbeing.

4. It develop their Greater Work-Life Balance

5. It Improve Self-Awareness

     There were 05 Faculty Members and 128 students were benefitted.


The Counseling Centre conducted AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON MEDITATION AND ITS BENEFITS -2024″ at SBMJFGC, KGF on 20th JUNE 2024 at 11.15am to 01.00 pm in the Auditorium.

The program was hosted by Ms. Dharshini and Ms. Harini, CC members, welcome speech given by Ms. Rathika, CC member.

The program was inaugurated by “Watering the plant”. Ms. B.K. Rathna and Ms. B. K Lakshmi Raja yoga Coach. & addressed the Resource Person by Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal of SBMJC, KGF.

Ms. B.K. Rathna and Ms. B. K Lakshmi delivered the AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON MEDITATION AND ITS BENEFITS -2024″ in detail. The program ended by vote of thanks by Ms. Purvika member of CC.

There were 03 Faculty Members and 155 students were benefited.


Event: “AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON BE-POSITVE” Date: 13th DECEMBER 2023 Day:  Wednesday Time: 10.00am to 11.30am

Event Coordinator:  Mr. Changa Reddy, Counseling Centre Officer

Venue:  Auditorium

Resource person:  Ms. Rashmi S Senior Admin Executive SBMJC KGF

Total No of  Participants:  175 students and 03 Faculty Members

The  Counseling Centre conducted AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON BE-POSITVE” at SBMJFGC, KGF on 13th December 2023 at 10.00 am to 11.30am  in the Auditorium.

The program was hosted by Ms. Dharshini and Ms. Harini , Counseling Centre members, Welcome speech given by Ms. Rathika K S ,  Counseling Centre member.

The program was inaugurated by “Lighting of Lamp ”. Mr. BABU  OFFICE SUPERDENT SBMJFGC, KGF, addressed the resource person.

Ms. Rashmi S  delivered the awareness of “BE-POSITIVE ” in detail . The program ended by vote of thanks by Ms. Keerthana member of Counseling Centre.

Career Guidance “Embrace your future today”

Event: Career Guidance “Embrace your future today.” Date: 15th December 2023 Day: Friday Time: 10.00 am to 11.00 am

Resource person:
Senior Analyst in Morgan Stanley,
Alumni of SBMJC, KGF (2020 Batch, BBA)

Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Chenga Reddy, SWC coordinator

Faculty members: Mrs. Kasturi L, HOD Commerce, Mrs. Harshini KJ, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Mrs. Reena, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce,  Ms. Monika,  Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Participants: 97 Students Venue:  Auditorium

The Student Welfare Council (SWC) organized a Career Guidance “Embrace your future today.” for final year B.Com and BBA Students to make them aware about various opportunities and trends in the field of commerce and management.

The program was carried out for effective 1 hour duration. The Resource persons for the session was ASHFAQ QURESHI Senior Analyst in Morgan Stanley also Alumni of SBMJC, KGF (2020 Batch, BBA). He gave an elaborative introduction about the various opportunities and scope in the field of commerce and management.

He further highlighted that Career guidance is crucial for individuals as it aids in setting future goals and choosing careers. It is especially important for those who didn’t plan for their future at an early stage, and more efforts should be made to support younger generations in personal career development.

He also shared his personal interview experience and given some important tips to face the interview.

The students were highly motivated and informed about various opportunities after completing their course, making it an informative day.