Event: Announcement of new Student Welfare Council Board of Director’s (BOD’S)- 24-25
Day: Monday
Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changareddy, SWC coordinator
The Student Welfare Council (SWC) conducted an Election for a New Board of Directors (BOD’s) for the academic year 2024-2025 on 12th September 2024 through online mode (Google Form).
Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changareddy, SWC coordinator
Resource person: Mr. Subramani C DNO, Ast, Murthy Gas Agency K.G.F
Venue: Auditorium
Participants: 175 Students.
Student Welfare Council (SWC) Organised awareness programme on “SAFETY MEASURES IN USING LPG” gas and maintanence.
The program was hosted by Ms. Abhinaya, Joint secretary of SWC and Ms.Dharshini, SWC volunteer. Welcome speech by Ms.Deepa, Vice president of SWC , followed by the inaugural speech by Dr.Rekha Sethi, Principal, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF
Resource person Mr.Subramani from Murthy Gas Agency, has given a brief explaination on how to save gas, Safety precautions and measures taken during emergency. At the end of the session students have asked few question to resource person regarding LPG safety and measures.
Program ended with vote of thanks by Ms.Bhagya Lakshmi, secretary of SWC.
The Student Welfare Council (SWC) organized an awareness SUICIDE PREVENTION AWARENESS PROGRAM”“CREATING HOPE THROUGH ACTION” on the eve of world suicide prevention day.
The IQAC in association with Counseling Centre conducted awareness program on “Not Out / F5 Moments” for I Sem B.Com students on 12th August 2024 at 9.00 am in the Auditorium and for BCA on 13th August 2024 at 9.00 am in the Auditorium.
The ResourcePersonMr. NikithSinai & Team delivered the Motivational speech on “Not Out / F5 Moments”. Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJC, KGF Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-ordinator SBMJC, KGF &Mr. Changareddy S Counseling Centre Officer, SBMJC, KGF
Objective:Not Out/F5 meansrefreshes your mind and thoughts. Motivate and Guide you to feel better and to identify who you are. Life has its way of weighing us down. F5 seeks to give you that splash of much needed Refreshment through music and entertainment served with a whole lot of love. Hit us up, and we’ll be there.
Total number of students benefited in the program is 194
Helps people to move towards their goals.
It enhancestheir overall wellbeing & takes the initiative of putting back the students on the right track.
It created positive mind set towards the students.
The motivational speech created how to face the personal & inter personal problems in the society.
1st Day of the program on 12th August 2024 for I Sem B.Com students
The team member of “Not Out / F5 Moments” is explaining about the topic
The Resource Person is giving a brief introduction about topic “Not Out / F5 Moments”
Resource Person Explaining very briefly about Not Out/F5.
2nd Day of the program on 13th August 2024 for I Sem BCA students
Resource Person Explaining very briefly about Not Out/F5.
Group Photo along with Not Out /F5 Team and Faculties.