E-Waste Management

Event:E-Waste Management Date: 8th November 2024 Day: Friday Time: 11.30am  to 1.30 pm

Venue:  Auditorium

Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changareddy, SWC coordinator

Resource person: 1. Dr. Sri Harsha Environment Consultant and Jala Karya Vibhag Coordinator, Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gathividhie 2. Ms. Sahana Hegde Freelance Journalist and Jan Samvad Coordinator, Karnataka South, 3. Mr. Abhilash G. Nair Project Manager (former), Security Systems, Kuwait, Software Engineer  Lecturer in CS 4. Dr. K. Raju Environmental Officer, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Kolar 5. Smt. Hemamalini President, Rotary Kolar Collective Actions 6. Mr. Mahesh Rao Kadam S. Environmental Volunteer, Kolar Vibhag, Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gathividhi 7. Mr. Ramesh Secretary, Rotary Kolar Collective actions  

Participants: 110 Students.

On November 8, 2024, the Student Welfare Council organized an informative and impactful session on E-Waste Management, aimed at raising awareness and educating students on responsible disposal and recycling of electronic waste. The event highlighted the environmental and health hazards posed by improper e-waste disposal and underscored the importance of sustainable waste management practices.

Guest Speakers and Key Points:

Key Takeaways

  • The Importance of Reducing and Recycling
  • Engagement in Community Initiatives
  • Awareness and Advocacy

Overall, the session was a significant step in educating the younger generation on the importance of environmental conservation, specifically in the context of e-waste. The Student Welfare Council’s efforts in organizing this event were well-appreciated, and the students left with a renewed sense of responsibility toward safeguarding the environment.

World Mental Health Day 2024

Counseling Centre Observed that “World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2024″ awareness program organized for all first year degree students on 10th October 2024 at 10.00 am to 01.05pm in the Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. J. Mariadoss Psychologist delivered On Mental Health, Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, SBMJC, KGF Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-Ordinator SBMJC, KGF Office Superintendent Babu SBMJCE, KGF and Faculty Members were present.

Meaning of Mental Health:-

Mental health is a Multidimensional concept that refers to a human individuals emotional and psychological well-being. It is the ability to respond to the many varies experiences of life with flexibility. It is the science that deals with human welfare and all fields of human relationship. It is the ability to make whole personal and social adjustment. It is a state of emotional, psychological and social wellbeing that affects how we think, feel and act.

Objectives of Mental Health:-

  1. To provide mental health care facility to every individual of specified population and specifically to those who are in need of it.
  2. To ensure the availability and accessibility of minimum mental healthcare for all in the foreseeable future.
  3. To encourage the application of mental health knowledge in general health care and in social development.
  4. To advance community participation in the mental health service development.
  5. To enhance human resources in mental health subspecialties.

Outcomes of Mental Health:-

  1.  Gain awareness and understanding of the definition of mental disorder contained within the MHA
  2. Understand the criteria for detention and appropriate treatment as defined in the MHA
  3. Be able to apply the Guiding  Principles in relation to appropriate treatment
  4. Understand how the age appropriate admission criteria will work

Career Guidance by Skillforge

Event: Career Guidance by Skillforge
Day: Wednesday Date: 03rd  July 2024 Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Resource person: 1. Veer M, Head of sales 2.Manoj M, Business Development Executive & B2B 3. Nisha K Poojari, Social Media Marketing & B2B
Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changareddy, SWC coordinator
Venue:  Auditorium Participants: 99 Students.

The Student Welfare Council (SWC) organized an Career guidance by Skillforge  to our students .

They offer skilling programs focused on emerging technologies to help students kick start their careers. their hands-on boot camps are designed to keep pace with industry changes, equipping students with practical skills in areas like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, and more. they aim to bridge the gap between education and industry demands, empowering students to up skill and secure meaningful career opportunities for real-world success. their mission to “Change How India Learns” aligns with the importance of continuous learning in today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape


Day: Thursday Date: 03rd  October 2024 Time: 11.15 am to 1.30 pm
Event Organizer: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Changareddy, SWC coordinator.
Venue:  Auditorium Participants: 114 Students.

The Student Welfare Council (SWC) organized an WORKSHOP ON COMPETITIVE GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION to our students. It is conducted for the purpose to determine the initial career path.

The following concept has been discussed in workshop:

  • Types of government examination
  • How to clear exam in the first attempt
  • Tips for preparation government exam like IPBS SBI RRB IAS

Orientation Programme by SWC

Counseling Centre conducted Orientation Program for I Year I SEMBCA total 136 students (A, B & C Section) students,dated on 19thSeptember 2024 at 10.00 am in the Auditorium and for I Year I SEM B.Com BBA and B.Sc.90 students dated on 19th September 2024 at 12.10 pm in the Auditorium.

Mr. Changareddy S Counseling Centre Officer, SBMJC, KGF delivered about Orientation Program, Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJC, KGF Dr. L. Jayapandian IQAC Co-Ordinator SBMJC, KGF Mr. Praveen N Student Welfare Council Officer & Faculty Members were present.

Connotation of Counseling:-

Counseling refers to the process of providing guidance, support, and advice to individuals or groups who may be facing personal, emotional, psychological, or interpersonal challenges. It is a form of talk therapy, it will give advice or professional help to resolve personal or psychological problems. It is a purposeful learning oriented and private interview between the counselor and counselee. It is the individualized and personalized assistance with personal, educational, vocational problems. It is the process where an students meet with a trained professional counselor to talk about their academic and personal issues.


  • To organize awareness program for students in suitable concepts.
  • To achieve positive mental health
  • Resolve their academic and personal issues and put them on right track with confident.
  • To encourage students to develop special abilities and right attitudes.
  • To establish mutual understanding between Counselor and Counselee


  • Helps people to move towards their goals.
  • It enhances their overall wellbeing & takes the initiative of putting back the students on the right track.
  • It created positive mind set towards the students.
  • The motivational speech created how to face the personal & inter personal problems in the society.

226 students and 06 Faculty Members were benefited

First Session for Ist Year Ist  Sem BCA (A B and C Section)