Appreciation certificate from Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE)

Student Welfare Association members, Faculty coordinators  and Principal Dr.Rekha Sethi received Appreciation certificate from Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Govt of India. for contribution to the World Environment Day celebrations June 2022- Green Activities in Campus.

Dr.Rekha Sethi Principal of SBMJFGC KGF was honoured for being nominated as Syndicate Member of Bengaluru North University, by Ms.Kasturi.L HOD –Commerce and Ms.Nazneen Ahamed. Student Welfare officer.

SBMJC .KGF Staff and Students shared this achievement by greeting principal madam Dr. Rekha Sethi. A proud moment to SBMJC Family.

Chenraj Roychand Centre for Entrepreneurship(CRCE) Sree Kutumbh Market Place Experience Lab

CRCE in association with SWA SBMJFGC KGF organised Sree Kutumbh Market Place Experience Lab Live Project on 1st July 2022.

Total : 35 Students Participated

World Environment Day

On the occasion of World Environmental Day on 5th June 2022 .SBMJFGC . KGF has picked up 5 activities to implement in our college as well community engagement as per the instruction of MGNCRE – Ministry of Higher Education, Govt of India. Theme of the year 2022“Only one Earth”. Awareness about environment and popularize the concept of sustainability and living in tune with the nature.” Green campus including water conservation, Tree plantation, waste management, Paperless work, Paper bag making ,Distribution of plants, Energy conservation and mapping of Bio-diversity. All these above activities was conducted at Government High School, Andersonpet.KGF for high school students of approximately 100 students participated along with 24 members of Student welfare association and faculty coordinator Ms.Nazneen Ahamed and Mr.Praveen .The School head mistress Ms. Sayeeda Bee who was very supportive with their staff members in completing the awareness programme successfully on 6th June 2022 .

Swaach Bharath Abhiyan Outreach activity

Event: Outreach activity –Village and Govt School Date: 12/03/2022 Day: Saturday Time: 10am to 4pm Topic: Swaach Bharath Abhiyan Participants: 13Students and 1 faculties Event Coordinator: Ms. Nazneen Ahamed-SWO Place: Karudugur & Kogilehalli village .KGF Taluk

This is a Community service activity engaged by the members of student welfare Association at the Govt School Karuduguru village with the activitites on Swachatha –Cleanliness Awareness and its hygine in the school and surrounding of its campus.

The village activities related to understand the agricultural activities of farming, its pros and cons and life of people living in village. Our students involved in the outreach activities and gained knowledge of business of crops and cultivation of the land, the farmers play a major role in building the nation.

Webinar on Leading Self on a chosen career path

This webinar was based on Self awareness for the career journey, which highlighted on assess the people, opportunities and the environment around us and embark on a successfully career path. Students from all stream of SBMJC  participated and receive E-Certificate at the end of the session using Feedback link.

Resource person: Ms. Kavitha Gunasekaran Project Manager Aerospace Intraprenuer, Life coach HAL Bangalore

Date: 7th February 2022 Time: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Participated: 89 members

Google meet Link  :

Registration Form Link:

Outcome: Benefited in understanding the requirement of the industries and knowledge on analyzing self.

Organizing committee

1.Ms.Nazneen Ahamed – Student Welfare Officer

2.Mr.Praveen – Student Welfare Coordinator

3.Ms.Madhavi.N- Technical Head

4. Ms. Afseena – President of SWA (Welcome Address)

5. Mr. Md Younus –Member of SWA ( Vote of Thanks)