Date: 03rd JULY 2023
Day: Monday
Time: 09.00 am
Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Chenga Reddy, SWC Co-ordinator
Venue: Open Auditorium
Participants: 200 Students.
Student Welfare Council (SWC) Organised “GURU PURNIMA”, the festival dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers was celebrated in our college at 9.00 p.m on the 3rd of july 2023. The full moon day in the month of Ashada of the Hindu calendar is celebrated as guru purnima. This day is also marked to pay our tribute to the great sage Vedavyasa who compiled the Vedas, eighteen puranas, the Mahabharatha and the Brahma Suthras.
The programme was inaugurated by invocation song followed by the lighting of the lamp by Dr.Rekha Sethi, principal SBMJC, KGF and Faculty members.
The welcome address was delivered by Mr.Younus, President of SWC, followed by inaugural dance. Ms.Prerana, vise President of SWC, she explained the meaning of ‘Guru’ and their role in bringing up the progress in the society.


Date: 04th JULY 2023
Day: Tuesday
Time: 11.00 am to 2.00pm
Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWC Officer, Mr. Chenga Reddy, SWC coordinator
Venue: Auditorium
Participants: 150 Students.

The Student Welfare Council (SWC) organized “CHARITY CHAMPIONS,” a gaming event for degree students. It was conducted for the purpose of helping our college students with their financial needs.
The following are the games conduct

Awareness programme on soil conservation  


Date: 09th June 2023

Day: Friday

Time: 11.30 am to 01.00pm

Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWA Officer

Venue: Auditorium

Resource Person :

 Mr. Mahesh Rao Kadam

Paryvaran Samrakshan gathividhi Coordinator, Kolar

Participants: 97 Students.

Student welfare association (SWA) has conducted  awareness programme on soil conservation    

 “NAMMA PARISARA NAMMA JOTHE” on 09th June 2023 for degree students.It is conducted for the purpose to know the importance of soil conservation.

The following concept has been discussed:

  • Horizons of soil
  • 5 elements ( Water, Air, Soil, Earth, Fire)
  • Need for soil
  • Differences between Organic and chemically soil

Competitive Exam Orientation Session

Event: Competitive Exam Orientation Session

Date: 03rd June 2024

Time: 04.00pm  to 05.00pm

Event Coordinator: Mr. Praveen N, SWA Officer

Venue/Mode: Online (Zoom app)

Resource Person : Suman Kumari, Assistant Professor M.Com UGC Net (Cleared twice ) , KSET

Student welfare association (SWA) in association with Milestone Academy  has conducted “Competitive Exam Orientation Session“on 03rd June 2023.  It is organised to increase confidence level among the students and to create awareness on various competitive exam.

The following concept has been discussed in Orientation Session:

  • List of various competitive exam
  • Common Syllabus for competitive exam
  • Examination pattern for RRB, RBI, SBI
  • Age limit and attempts to appear for government competitive exam


The Student Welfare Association of Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Mahaveer Jain First Grade College, KGF in Association with Time of India organised SPEAK FOR INDIA COMPETITION for entire kolar district on 14th January 2023 in the auditorium from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Total number of students participated – 60

Out of 20 students, 3 students from our college SBMJFGC, KGF have got selected for final round in,”SPEAK FOR INDIA” competition.

  1. Prerana – 2nd BCA
  2. Sania Kouser – 2nd B.Com
  3. Aishwarya – 1st BBA