The Student Welfare Association of SBMJC, KGF organized Youth Fest “SAMPARK 2017” on 19th January 2017. The youth fest was organized to search for the hidden talent like their knowledge, Skills and various relations in the current happenings in the youth with a moto “We Care For You” SAMPARK means connecting young minds, it is … Continue reading “SAMPARK 2k17”

The Student Welfare Association of SBMJC, KGF organized Youth Fest “SAMPARK 2017” on 19th January 2017. The youth fest was organized to search for the hidden talent like their knowledge, Skills and various relations in the current happenings in the youth with a moto “We Care For You”

SAMPARK means connecting young minds, it is a celebration of rigours and exuberance of youth in a war of wit and wisdom, when only the best can win.

The SWA was headed By MS. Sujatha Arrasu the SWA officer and the SWA members.

In the Fest many colleges from Kolar District Participated where they showcased their talent in different ways.

The inauguration was done by the release of SAMPARK logo designed by Mr. Immanuel and group and the chief guest for the event was Mr. Mahendar Kumar Munoth, Managaing Trustee- SBMJC-KGF and  Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal SBMJC-KGF.

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Education is an enlightening experience that shapes a crude person into a cultured personality with positive attitude and modified behavior.  It is a beautiful art of acquiring and increasing the treasure of knowledge, further, executing the same effectively and efficiently for the betterment of self and society. Education enables one to acquire knowledge about that … Continue reading “EDUCATION AS AN INFLUENTIAL FACTOR IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”

Education is an enlightening experience that shapes a crude person into a cultured personality with positive attitude and modified behavior.  It is a beautiful art of acquiring and increasing the treasure of knowledge, further, executing the same effectively and efficiently for the betterment of self and society. Education enables one to acquire knowledge about that which is unknown, increase the acquired knowledge and observe what has already been seen at various perspectives.

During the Ancient times, a child was bequeathed with knowledge, life skills, values of culture and discipline generally in a residential setup.  The master played the fundamental role of a potter in molding the wet clay into a master piece.  This Education system was restricted only to the priests, the royalty and the affluent.

Today, this enlightening experience is the right of every individual, irrespective of class, colour, culture, caste, creed and gender, unbiased. The right to education is a fundamental human right.   Those Countries, in the past that have failed and those that still fail, or, discriminate in rendering education on any basis, are far from reaching the status as Developed as they deprive their citizens of their essential right . Such countries fall under the category of developing and underdeveloped countries respectively.  An uneducated lot, to bring development, socially, economically and politically will just remain a dream. The developing countries when compared to the developed countries are low in education rate resulting in high birth rate, high death rate, instable economically, politically, socially, lack awareness regarding health, hygiene and nutrition, leading to ill health and plague and less development in Science and Technology for high end diagnoses and medical treatment in case of fatal diseases.

To put it very simple and clear, “Countries poor in education are poor in health, wealth and prosperity.”

In African countries, there is a lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene, resulting in increased death toll due to several deadly diseases, such as ‘Ebola Virus Epidemic’, ‘Tetanus’ and many others.  In the current century the atrocities of the miscreant forces and the terrorists, who want to curb education to girl children in Afghanistan on gender basis, is a menace.  People who are against education to girl children, those who indulge in child marriages and female infanticide are still prevalent in a few rural regions of India. In regard with these issues, the Government of India is all set to eradicate the problems, as they are social epidemics and a threat to humanity. There are several Non Government Organizations and Service Oriented Organizations to check and to carry the rescue operations.

On the other hand, Countries which render unbiased education to all are heading towards the betterment of the country’s economy, laying foundation for high per capita income. As, Education is a very powerful influential Factor in Developing Countries as Education empowers, one to dream, think, plan, organize and execute the best, to achieve ones goal of success.

Malcolm X, an American Black Muslim minister and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam stated that, “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”

Not just limiting Education as our passport but education is a password to unlock and open the doors to enter and cherish an enchanted world. Education opens shut eyes and reveals the inner secrets, the reality. Though they may be few in number, the countries that stand developed are those, who have given importance in educating their citizens with the correct system as being aware that Education is the back bone of a nation.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” quoted Nelson Mandela.

Developing Countries have realized the power of Education and are keen in bringing about development of their country concentrating in educating their citizens. Educated citizens are clearer in understanding the socio-economic status of the country.  An educated citizen is independent; they have a greater view of choosing their profession, settling in it and working for their self growth and growth in the per-capita income of the country.  This helps eradicate the problems of unemployment reducing even the crime rates. Educated citizen bring about good changes and development in all fields, be it, Arts, Science and Technology, there arises new innovations and discoveries too. While choosing the Government, the educated are analytical and make the correct choice understanding their privilege of voting and election system.  The Global market for Professionals excellent packages and the desire to live abroad have drawn the attention of the citizens of developing countries, encouraging them to compete internationally.  The influence of Education is greater, as it has paved way for the qualified internationally. In return the Globalization influencing the Education system.

On the whole Education has its impact on individual’s life, society at large, social mobility, economic growth, culture, business, science and technology and even agriculture. The influence of Education in Developing Countries helps the citizens to choose between robes and rags. The influence is so widespread that every developing country wants to be ranked at the top in hierarchy and is marching towards their development.

Thus, Education as an Influential Factor in Developing Countries is powerful and at its best in bringing about changes for good.

                                                                                              Mrs. Rashmi S, Admin Executive,


International Youth Day is observed annually on 12 August. It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. During IYD, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organizations take place around the world. The theme of the 2016 International Youth … Continue reading “INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY”

International Youth Day is observed annually on 12 August. It is meant as an opportunity for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. During IYD, concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings involving national and local government officials and youth organizations take place around the world.

The theme of the 2016 International Youth Day is “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”.

The International Youth Day was Organized on 13th August 2016 by the energetic Students Welfare Association Members of Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College Headed by Ms. Sujatha Arassu, Coordinator of Student Welfare Association.

The Chief Guest for the Event Were Mr. Mahender Kumar Munoth, Managing Trustee of SBMJC, KGF and Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal of SBMJC, KGF.

On this occasion the Chief Guest spoke about eradicating poverty and how youths can make a major difference in the growth of the society.

Several competitions were conducted to recognize the hidden talent in the youths.

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