Yuva Divas

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Awareness Rally on Road Safety & Importance of ISI Mark Helmet

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Installation of Students Welfare Association : 2017

SWA has organised Installation of new committee from all streams under the head of Student Welfare Officer Ms. Sujatha Arassu and Faculty Co-ordinator Mr. Prakash, Mr. Savinay and Ms. Bagheswari, Anchored by Fisal and varsha , Welcome speech By Bhavya and Meghana,SWA members, Invocation song and  dance by Chithra I Bcom and Team, Badging by … Continue reading “Installation of Students Welfare Association : 2017”

SWA has organised Installation of new committee from all streams under the head of Student Welfare Officer Ms. Sujatha Arassu and Faculty Co-ordinator Mr. Prakash, Mr. Savinay and Ms. Bagheswari, Anchored by Fisal and varsha , Welcome speech By Bhavya and Meghana,SWA members, Invocation song and  dance by Chithra I Bcom and Team, Badging by Principal mam Dr.Reekha Sethi, Sujatha Arassu- SWO and  Mr.JayaPandian – Nss/Placement officer and followed by two Competition for students was conducted, one in the Auditorium that is, Short Movie on topic of Drug Abusement. Judges for the event was Mr. Jayapandian NSS / Placement Officer, Mr. Siddarama HOD of BCA, Mr. Tony Lazarus Prem Kumar HOD of BBA and Ms. Kasthuri HOD of Commerce. The second competition was Best Anchor on the Topic College Fest, Sports and Award Ceremony held in Conference Hall, judges for the event was Dr. Rekha Sethi, Ms. Jean Saldanha HOD of English and Ms. Anne Aruna Kumari of English Department. There were more than 100 participants.

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Seminar on GST

SWA has organised GST Awareness Programme on 13th July 2017, More than 300 students of various stream B.Com, BBA, B.Sc of final year have participated along with faculty members. Resource Person: Mr. MUDHASEER AHMED C Alumni Student of BBA SBMJC Pass out Batch of 2011-12. A brief detail about the Basic terms of Tax, Duty, … Continue reading “Seminar on GST”

SWA has organised GST Awareness Programme on 13th July 2017, More than 300 students of various stream B.Com, BBA, B.Sc of final year have participated along with faculty members.

Resource Person: Mr. MUDHASEER AHMED C Alumni Student of BBA SBMJC Pass out Batch of 2011-12.

A brief detail about the Basic terms of Tax, Duty, Cess, current tax structure of India, Evolution of GST what is GST?  Benefits of GST to the Business, Industry, Government, Consumer  Structure of GST Why dual GST required, Current Industrial Tax Structure, Tax rates under GST, GST rates in different countries, Supply of Goods and services etc., They were also shown with video about evolution of Tax in India.

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Global Animal Rescue Rally

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