Rotaract Orientation 2019

ASTA 42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.

“The Rotaract club of  SBMJC-KGF ” won Several Awards at  ASTA  42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations. Awards won – 1)Best Promising President 2k18-19-  Rtr Kiran S 2)Best Community Service project –  Summer Hair cut to Orphanage 3) District Rotaract Representative  Citation 2018-19 4) Rotaract  Building Stronger International Relationship 5) 1st Quator  Star club award 6) … Continue reading “ASTA 42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.”

“The Rotaract club of  SBMJC-KGF ” won Several Awards at  ASTA  42nd Rotaract Annual Awards & Recognizations.

Awards won –

1)Best Promising President 2k18-19-  Rtr Kiran S

2)Best Community Service project –  Summer Hair cut to Orphanage

3) District Rotaract Representative  Citation 2018-19

4) Rotaract  Building Stronger International Relationship

5) 1st Quator  Star club award

6) Faculty coordinators Recognizations

Mr Raghavendra Rao

Mrs Sandhaya

7) President & Secretary Recognizations

Rtr Kiran S (President 2k18-19)

Rtr Dorothy (Secretary 2k18-19)

8) Recognizations for Joint Projects

1 #  Quotor (Joint Project with Rotaract club of Nandha engineering college ,Tamil Nadu

2 #  Rota Trek (Joint Project with Rotaract club of Yelankha)

3 #  Sandesh to soldiers (Don’t project with Rotaract club of PES University)

The Management ,Principal & staff congratulates &  Wholeheartedly thank to President, Secretary ,board of directors, Faculty coordinators & all Rotaractors for winning many Awards & Recognizations .



Social Awareness on Empowerment of Girl Children




“The Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF” won Several Awards at UGRAM ZONE RUBY AWARDS 1) Outstanding Rotaract club Award- Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF 2) Impactful Project Award- Awareness on PCOS – Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF Zone Ruby Special Recognition. 3) Kisan Diwas – Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF.  

“The Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF” won Several Awards at UGRAM ZONE RUBY AWARDS

1) Outstanding Rotaract club Award- Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF

2) Impactful Project Award- Awareness on PCOS – Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF Zone Ruby Special Recognition.

3) Kisan Diwas – Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF.


Rotaract Visit to Ramana Shree Old Age Home

“When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in  old age home” Rotary club KGF  in association with Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF hosted the lunch on monday 1st July 2019 to the inmates of about 110 old people in the Ramana shree old age home at 1.00 P M. … Continue reading “Rotaract Visit to Ramana Shree Old Age Home”

“When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in  old age home”
Rotary club KGF  in association with Rotaract club of SBMJC-KGF hosted the lunch on monday 1st July 2019 to the inmates of about 110 old people in the Ramana shree old age home at 1.00 P M. Special thanks to Rtn. Shankara Narayan and Rtn Dr. Murlidhar.