Republic Day Celebration-2022

73rd Republic Day was celebrated by Rovers and Rangers Unit the Bharat Scouts and Guides of SBMJFGC on 26th of January 2022 in open auditorium. The Chief Guest are Ms. Usha Rani, Dept. of Hindi and Mr. Perinba Prabhu Dept. of Englishand also the event was witnessed with prize distribution to the participants in #National Heritage , Pencil Sketch competition and #Patriotism(Yuva Spoorthi), Essay competition.

The Event also had various speeches on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Republic Day and Sardhar Vallabhai Patel.  

Rangers & Rovers Flag Day

Sowing of Seeds

The NSS, Rangers & Rovers of SBMJC KGF took part in sowing of seeds on 13th July 2019 with Bharat Scouts and Guides at Krishnavaram. 52 students with Mr. Shiva Kumar, NSS Cordinator and Mrs. S. Elizabeth Rani, Rangers Cordinator participated.

The NSS, Rangers & Rovers of SBMJC KGF took part in sowing of seeds on 13th July 2019 with Bharat Scouts and Guides at Krishnavaram. 52 students with Mr. Shiva Kumar, NSS Cordinator and Mrs. S. Elizabeth Rani, Rangers Cordinator participated.

Moot Camp 2018

Rangers and Rovers Moot camp 2018 held at Muddnahalli village. ( Chikkballapura)

Rangers and Rovers Moot camp 2018 held at Muddnahalli village. ( Chikkballapura)

Say no to Tobacoo

Kolar Health department conducted seminar on How Tobacoo is injuries to Health. This event was organised by NSS PU, Eco Club and Rovers and Rangers. There were more than 250 students witness this seminar.  

Kolar Health department conducted seminar on How Tobacoo is injuries to Health. This event was organised by NSS PU, Eco Club and Rovers and Rangers. There were more than 250 students witness this seminar.