Sowing of Seeds

The NSS, Rangers & Rovers of SBMJC KGF took part in sowing of seeds on 13th July 2019 with Bharat Scouts and Guides at Krishnavaram. 52 students with Mr. Shiva Kumar, NSS Cordinator and Mrs. S. Elizabeth Rani, Rangers Cordinator participated.

The NSS, Rangers & Rovers of SBMJC KGF took part in sowing of seeds on 13th July 2019 with Bharat Scouts and Guides at Krishnavaram. 52 students with Mr. Shiva Kumar, NSS Cordinator and Mrs. S. Elizabeth Rani, Rangers Cordinator participated.

PUC Orientation 2k19

Teachers Training on Practical Examination

Puc Valedictory 2k18



Quiz Competition by ELC