Career Guidance Program organised by IQAC

The IQAC of SBMJFGC, KGF in association with Pro-Edge Bengaluru organised career guidance program for the degree students on 17th August 2024 in the auditorium from 11:15 am to 1:10 pm.

Total 5 faculty members and 200 students participated in the program

Resource person Mr. Venkat and Mr. Vamishi Pro-Edge, Bengaluru.

National Level Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill Attitude & Behaviour Development 

The Department of  Commerce and Business Administration organized a National Level Workshop on “Health Insurance”, for commerce and BBA Students, 364 students and 40 faculties participated in the event. The Workshop was preceded by

Mr. Dr.R. Sunderaraj Assistant Professor of Commerce, Ayya Nadar Jamaki Ammal College Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu. The workshop gave an insight into the recent trends in Entrepreneurship Skill Attitude & Behavior Development 

Date: 19th & 20th Oct 2023

Venue: Conference Hall

Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm


  1. To understand the coverage for expenses against medical and surgical treatments to the policyholder.
  2. To know the claim for cashless treatment or get reimbursement for the hospital and treatment bills.
  3. Insight into pre-and post-hospitalization expenses.


  • The participant of the events gained the knowledge about the primary benefits of health insurance different types of health insurance policies to cover the costs of hospitalization, diagnostic tests, and medications

Event Coordinator:

 Mr. Tony Lazarus Prem Kumar. J, Head, Business Administration


Mr. Prakash D. R     Asst Prof department of Business Administration

Mrs. Sujatha Mohan Asst. Prof .department of Business Administration

National Level Workshop on Team Building Activities

The Department of English in association with IQAC had organised two days’ National Level Workshop on the topic “Team Building Activities” dated on 21stof March 2024 & 22ndof March 2024, with students from all streams. Dr Rekha Sethi principal, IQAC Co Ordinator Dr L .Jayapandian, Heads of all the departments were present.


  • To develop team building competencies
  • To explore new ideas and opinions
  • To enhance leadership qualities
  •  Intensify creative skills
  • To bring cooperation, co-ordination & better understanding
  • To expertise in communication skills

Resource Person: Dr. Radha Krishna

                               Department of English

                               Govt. First Grade College

                              K. R Pruam,


Total No. ofParticipants 300.


  • Measurable Student accomplishments: Teachers making use of interactive teaching styles which are better equipped to assess how well students mastery over given subject material.
  • Flexibility in teaching: Applying training methods that involve two-way communications that enables you to make quick adjustments in the process and approaches.
  • Practice makes perfect: Interactive instruction enhances the learning process.
  • Student motivation: Two-way teaching dispels student positivitywhen more students are engaged, you’ll have much more fun too.

National Level Workshop on Python Programming

The Department of Computer Science in association with IQAC jointly Organized Two Days National Level Workshop on Python Programming NEP – 2020. 3rd &4th July 2023,            

 Resource Person: Dr. S Thanga Durai MBA. MCA.  CEO, Rats Technologies, Bagalur.

Topic:  Python programming more than 265 students from various colleges Participated in this workshop.

Date: 3rd& 4th July 2023

Resource Person: Dr. S Thangadurai MBA., MCA.M.Phil.

CEO, Rats Technologies, Bagalur

Venue:  Conference Hall

No of Students Attended:  265


  • To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
  • To learn how to design and program Python applications.
  • To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
  • To learn how to identify Python object types.
  • To learn how to use indexing and slicing to access data in Python programs.
  • To define the structure and components of a Python program.
  • To learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.
  • To learn how to write functions and pass arguments in Python.
  • To learn how to build and package Python modules for reusability.
  • To learn how to read and write files in Python.
  • To learn how to design object‐oriented programs with Python classes.
  • To learn how to use exception handling in Python applications for error handling.

About the session:

Day 1: Students Learnt about the following concepts

  • Python Introduction
  • Python Environment Setup
  • Python Variables and Rules to Declare Variable
  • Python Input Output
  • Python Comments
  • Python Data Types

Day 2:Students Learnt about the following concepts

  • Function in Python
  • List as Array in Python
  • Array Module in Python
  • PIP in Python
  • String in Python
  • Numbers in Python