ECO CLUB – Awareness rally on plastic free zone

The ECO Club of SBMJFGC, KGF organized awareness rally on Plastic Free Zone on 13th June 2022. Dr Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJFGC, KGF started the rally at the Swarajmull Circle and continued the rally via Gandhi Circle,Pitcher Road and  completed the rally at our campus.The pamphlets and handmade paper covers were distributed to the public and shops. 200 students and 10 faculty members participated in the rally to create awareness to the public on disadvantages of using plastic products.


The Eco Club of SBMJFGC KGF organized awareness program for the farmers on Impact of chemical fertilizers on the Environment and the advantages of organic farming and Biofertilizers in order to observe “World Earth Day 2022” on 22nd April 2022 at Chaldhiganahalli, KGF, Kolar District. 10 student members and 02 faculty members are actively participated in the awareness program to educate the farmers to protect the environment, restore damaged ecosystems and live a more sustainable life.