Condolence Rally for our Brave Hearts By NSS

Department/Cell/Forum: National Service Scheme (NSS) Name of the Event: Condolence Rally for our Brave Hearts Date of the event: 14th December 2021 Chief Guest:  Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, Dr. L. Jayapandian NSS Officer,

Brief description about the Event: The NSS Unit of SBMJC, KGF organized Condolence Rally for our Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, Mrs Madhulika Rawat and 11 other persons on board died in a helicopter crash near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu, in the unfortunate accident, on Wednesday 8th December 2021. Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal and Dr. L. Jayapandian NSS Officer Staff Members and NSS Volunteers took part.

Crime Prevention Program

Crime prevention program is organised by NSS in association with Robertsonpet Police department on 17th December 2021 in SBMJFGC auditorium.

The Chief Guest are 1. Mr. Muralidharan DSP, Robertsonpet, KGF 2. Mr. Nagaraj Circle Inspector Crime 3. Mr. Dayanand Circle Inspector Cyber 4. Ms. Shruthi Sub Inspector, Robertsonpet, KGF

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 65th Death Anniversary

The NSS Unit of SBMJC KGF, organized Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 65th Death Anniversary, the Father of Indian Constitution to respect our great National Leader on 6th December 2021   Staff Members & NSS volunteer members were present.

Chief Guest:  Dr. Rajanna C. M. Department of Kannada. Special Guest: Ms. Kasturi L. Head, Department of the Commerce. Dr. L. Jayapandian NSS Programme Officer, Mr. Siddarama S. Head, Department of Computer Science, Mr. Chowde Gowda & Mr. Kiran Department of Physical Education.

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day was organised by NSS Unit on 1st December 2021. Ms. Roseline K. Department of Biocehemistry and Mr. Siddaram S. Department of Computer Science were the Chief Guest of the Day.

COVID Vaccination Drive

Covid Vaccination Drive was Organised by Rotaract Club and NSS Wing on 12th July 2021 and 13th of July 2021 at SBMJC KGF Campus


Mr. Raghavendra Rao, Rotaract Member, SBMJC, KGF

Mr. Jayapandian L., NSS Officer, SBMJC, KGF