Cricket Commentary

Emogenius by BBA

The Department of Management Studies organised Emogenius event for all the degree students in auditorium on 2nd July 2022.

IGNITE lets Nacho

Ignite Lets Nacho was organised by Department of Management Studies SBMJFGC in the auditorium on 2nd July 2022.

Judges: Ms. Sujatha Mohan Asst. Prof. Ms. Kiranya Asst. Prof. Mr. George Giddeon Asst. Prof.

Karoke ( singing competition)

Judges: Dr. B. K. Manjula Professor Ms. Komathi Asst. Prof.

Knowledge Picture

Flash Mob

Marketing Mayhem

The Department of Management Studies organised Marketing Mayhem to exposure the hidden talent on 1st July 2022.

Total 14 teams, 70 students participated

Co-ordinator: Mr. Prakash D. R. Asst. Prof Ms. Sujatha Mohan, Asst. Prof.

Students Co-ordinator: Ms. Simran

BBA Outreach Programme at Rural High School, Bethamangala – 2022

The BBA students organised outreach program at Rural High School, Bethmangala, students and created awareness on the following topics on 11th June 2022.

1 Cyber Crime 2.Child Marriage 3. Women Empowerment 4. Higher Studies (After 10th)