National Level Student Research Conference

The Degree Students Participated in National Level Student Research Conference “Higher Education: Student Perspective” at Sheshadripuram College. The Following students Won Prizes Bhanu and Vidhya Sagar- II B.Com: 1st Place Suman S Prasad and Panindra – II B.Com: 2nd Place

The Degree Students Participated in National Level Student Research Conference “Higher Education: Student Perspective” at Sheshadripuram College.

The Following students Won Prizes

  1. Bhanu and Vidhya Sagar- II B.Com: 1st Place
  2. Suman S Prasad and Panindra – II B.Com: 2nd Place

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Department of Management Studies & Management Forum had organized outreach program

  The Department of Management Studies & Management Forum had organized outreach programme for the students at different schools Joseph Convent KGF, to create awareness on social issues like global warming, Stress Management & Social Media Networking, by the students of I & II Year BBA Vinitha, Greanu, Sanjay, Stephan raj, Dikshita, Daphny, Samreen & … Continue reading “Department of Management Studies & Management Forum had organized outreach program”


The Department of Management Studies & Management Forum had organized outreach programme for the students at different schools

  • Joseph Convent KGF, to create awareness on social issues like global warming, Stress Management & Social Media Networking, by the students of I & II Year BBA Vinitha, Greanu, Sanjay, Stephan raj, Dikshita, Daphny, Samreen & Misba Firdose.
  • Sumathi jain School KGF, to create awareness on social issues like Eco friendly products, Time Management & Water Management, by the students of I Year BBA Sharon Raja, Vigneshwaran, Madhu Kumar, Rohith, Avinash & Nagaraj.
  • Edens School Andersonpet KGF, to create awareness on social issues like Personality Development, Time Management & Water Management, by the students of I Year BBA Sneha Bhora, Nithin, Nazia, Vignesh, Ayesha & Nithisha.
  • Government Primary School Champion reef, to create awareness on Swaach Bharath, Solar energy, Junk Foods and Importance of Education, by the students of III year BBA Madan, Dorianyates, Akshay, Nisha, haripriya, Nitasha, Ruth, Vaishnavi, Nazreen and Sandeep.                                                         IMG_20160820_114942406 IMG_20160820_111739526 IMG_20160820_120815 IMG-20160820-WA0005 IMG-20160820-WA0007 IMG-20160821-WA0012 IMG_20160820_123422574 IMG_20160820_122658580_HDR IMG_20160820_122339175 IMG_20160820_120139567 IMG_20160820_121850814IMG_20160810_163233 IMG_20160810_161816_HDR IMG_20160810_161241_HDR IMG_20160810_154134 IMG_20160810_154904 IMG_20160810_155613_HDR IMG_20160810_153655_HDR IMG_20160817_120859 IMG_20160817_115815 20160817_112505 IMG_20160817_112547_HDR IMG_20160817_113220_HDR 20160817_110411 IMG_2253 IMG_2250 IMG_2214 IMG_2220 IMG_2225 IMG_2190 IMG_2182 IMG_2177 IMG_2278 IMG_2174

Installation of Management Forum 2016

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Scrapaging Competition organised by Management Forum

The Competition was conducted to exhibit the talent of the students. The competition was organised to improve ideas and techniques of the student to attract buyers and make the consumers buy their products based on their packaging models.       

The Competition was conducted to exhibit the talent of the students.

The competition was organised to improve ideas and techniques of the student to attract buyers and make the consumers buy their products based on their packaging models.

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Spell Beeeeee Competition Organised by Management Department

A spelling bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty.

A spelling bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty.

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