BBA Industrial Visit to Maharashtra


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II yr BBA Industrial visit to Kolar


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Joy of Giving 2017

The Department of management studies of SBMJC, kolar gold fields had organized JOY OF GIVING 2017 distribution of gifts to underprivileged children of six schools.over 110 children received stationery and toiletries and enjoyed the lunch in the campus. Principal Dr REKHA SETHI, HOD OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Mr Tony Prem Kumar, and placement officer Mr Jayapandian were guest of honor. … Continue reading “Joy of Giving 2017”

The Department of management studies of SBMJC, kolar gold fields had organized JOY OF GIVING 2017 distribution of gifts to underprivileged children of six schools.over 110 children received stationery and toiletries and enjoyed the lunch in the campus.
Principal Dr REKHA SETHI, HOD OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Mr Tony Prem Kumar, and placement officer Mr Jayapandian were guest of honor.

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BBA Outreach to V.Kote

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BBA 1 yr visit to Kitchen Operations Unit of Mc.Donalds

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