The Department of Library, SBMJC-KGF organised BOOK TALK to motivate students to read Books. During this event the students shared their views about their favorite books.  

The Department of Library, SBMJC-KGF organised BOOK TALK to motivate students to read Books. During this event the students shared their views about their favorite books.DSC04463 DSC04453 DSC04514 DSC04510 DSC04508 DSC04504 DSC04479 DSC04482 DSC04484 DSC04488 DSC04490 DSC04494 DSC04478 DSC04470 DSC04467 DSC04513 DSC04511 IMG_20160921_142418 IMG_20160922_142145 IMG_20160922_145250


Dr.S.R.Ranganathan was a Mathematician and Librarian from India. He is considered to be the father of Library Science in India. His birthday is observed every year as the National Library Day in India. In rememberance of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan  SBMJC Library is Celebrating BOOK WEEK from 10th August to 14 th August, 2015. A Week long … Continue reading “BOOK WEEK”

Dr.S.R.Ranganathan was a Mathematician and Librarian from India. He is considered to be the father of Library Science in India. His birthday is observed every year as the National Library Day in India.


In rememberance of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan  SBMJC Library is Celebrating BOOK WEEK from 10th August to 14 th August, 2015. A Week long exhibition of library resources for the SBMJC  students.


Library cards for freshers

All the First year Undergraduate students are informed to collect the Library Cards from the Library.

All the First year Undergraduate students are informed to collect the Library Cards from the Library.