Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College – KGF
Live Blog for recording all the ongoing activities.
Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College, Kolar Gold Fields organized a One Day Natioinal Level Conference on “Impact of Globalisation on Language and Literature” on Friday, 28th July, 2017. The Departments of English, Hindi and Kannada jointly organized this National Level Conference which brought faculty members, research scholars and students of the three languages … Continue reading “National Conference on Impact of Globalisation on Language and Literature”
Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College, Kolar Gold Fields organized a One Day Natioinal Level Conference on “Impact of Globalisation on Language and Literature” on Friday, 28th July, 2017. The Departments of English, Hindi and Kannada jointly organized this National Level Conference which brought faculty members, research scholars and students of the three languages under one roof. The inaugural session was ably compered by Ms. Anne Aruna Kumari, Asst. Prof., Department of English. Ms. Jean Saldanha, HOD, English warmly welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest was Dr. Suma V. Rao, Principal, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, J. C. Road, Bangalore. She released the Proceedings of the Conference with an ISBN number 978-93-86537-42-3 in the presence of the Managing Trustee, Mr. Mahendra Kumar, Principal, Dr. Rekha Sethi, Chief Convenor, Dr. S. Shabbeer Basha, HOD, Hindi, System Analyst, Mr. Navendran D. and other dignitaries. The proceedings were released in two volumes: Volume I with Hindi research papers and Volume II with English and Kannada research papers. Dr. B. K. Manjula proposed the vote of thanks.
The plenary speaker for the Parallel Session in English was Dr. Etienne Rassendran, Associate Professor, Dept. of English, St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore. He spoke eloquently on Global Literatures or World Writing: Some Reflections. The morning and afternoon sessions were chaired by Dr. Sreedevi Santhosh, Associate Professor, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Jain University, Bangalore who gave her remarks about each presentation. The faculty members, research scholars and students had interactive deliberations.
For the parallel session in Hindi, Dr. Prithi Latha, Associate Prof. & HOD, Hindi, Lady Doak College, Madurai was the plenary speaker. Her talk was on the Impact of Globalisation on language and literature. The paper presentations were chaired by Dr. Habeebulla Baig, HOD, Hindi, KGF First Grade College, Oorgaum. The participants and paper presenters had fruitful discussions on the main topic and its sub themes.
The plenary speaker for the parallel session in Kannada was Dr. M. S. Durgapraveen, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Kannada Language and Translation Studies, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh. He gave an enlightening talk on Translation and its Globalising Effects. Dr. Shivaraja Byadarahalli, HOD, Kannnada, Oxford College, Bangalore chaired the sessions and judged the paper presentations. The conference got an overwhelming response with papers received from the length and breadth of the country. Research papers were received from Indore in Madhya Pradesh, Chandigarh, Assam, Bidar, Chitradurga, Kerala, Hyderabad, Maharashtra, etc. Delegates have travelled from Pune, Goa, Kerala, Madurai, Chennai, Gubbi, etc making it a truly National Level Conference. 157 research papers were published in both the volumes together. On spot registrations were also done and papers were presented.
Two awards were given to the Best Paper Presenters in each language; separate awards for faculty members and students. The certificates and awards were distributed during the valedictory function. The feedback received from the participants was positive and encouraging.
The Department of Hindi, SBMJC –KGF organized One Day National Hindi Seminar for Students on 8th March 2017. The Chief Guest for the event were Mr. Mahendra Munoth, Managing Trustee and Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJC-KGF, Dr. Vijaya Bhasker Naidu, HOD of Hindi, Ayya Naddar Janaki Ammal College and Dr. Abdul Waheb, Professor, Islamia College, … Continue reading “One Day National Hindi Seminar”
The Department of Hindi, SBMJC –KGF organized One Day National Hindi Seminar for Students on 8th March 2017.
The Chief Guest for the event were Mr. Mahendra Munoth, Managing Trustee and Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJC-KGF, Dr. Vijaya Bhasker Naidu, HOD of Hindi, Ayya Naddar Janaki Ammal College and Dr. Abdul Waheb, Professor, Islamia College, TN.
The Department of Hindi, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College Organized Hindi Diwas on 16th Sep 2016. The chief Guest for the Event was Dr. Latha Chouhan (Professor, Dr. B R Ambedkar College, Bangalore) and She spoke about the Importance of Hindi language in changing the society and how the Hindi Divas was initiated in the … Continue reading “HINDI DIWAS 2016”
The Department of Hindi, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College Organized Hindi Diwas on 16th Sep 2016.
The chief Guest for the Event was Dr. Latha Chouhan (Professor, Dr. B R Ambedkar College, Bangalore) and She spoke about the Importance of Hindi language in changing the society and how the Hindi Divas was initiated in the Year 1949.
Dr. Rekha Sethi told how easy it is to express things through the language and motivated the audience.
Dr. Shabbeer Basha, (HOD of Hindi, SBMJC and Coordinator for the event) Gave the Glimpse of how the language came into picture and how it is been growing day to day.
On this occasion Different Competitions were conducted for school students to motivate and make them understand the Importance of the language.