National Level Workshop on Team Building Activities

The Department of English in association with IQAC had organised two days’ National Level Workshop on the topic “Team Building Activities” dated on 21stof March 2024 & 22ndof March 2024, with students from all streams. Dr Rekha Sethi principal, IQAC Co Ordinator Dr L .Jayapandian, Heads of all the departments were present.


  • To develop team building competencies
  • To explore new ideas and opinions
  • To enhance leadership qualities
  •  Intensify creative skills
  • To bring cooperation, co-ordination & better understanding
  • To expertise in communication skills

Resource Person: Dr. Radha Krishna

                               Department of English

                               Govt. First Grade College

                              K. R Pruam,


Total No. ofParticipants 300.


  • Measurable Student accomplishments: Teachers making use of interactive teaching styles which are better equipped to assess how well students mastery over given subject material.
  • Flexibility in teaching: Applying training methods that involve two-way communications that enables you to make quick adjustments in the process and approaches.
  • Practice makes perfect: Interactive instruction enhances the learning process.
  • Student motivation: Two-way teaching dispels student positivitywhen more students are engaged, you’ll have much more fun too.

Doctorate Award

Ms. Gladys Lydia R., Department of English has been awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Bharathidasan University on September 2020.

News Reading Competition

The Department of English organised a News Reading Competition on Tuesday, 22nd  October 2019. The students took part enthusiastically. The objective of the competition was to encourage the students to improve their reading skills and enhance their general awareness. The talented newsreaders read the main headlines, national and international news, state and city news, business, … Continue reading “News Reading Competition”

The Department of English organised a News Reading Competition on Tuesday, 22nd  October 2019. The students took part enthusiastically. The objective of the competition was to encourage the students to improve their reading skills and enhance their general awareness. The talented newsreaders read the main headlines, national and international news, state and city news, business, sports, entertainment news, etc. The volume, pitch, pace, accent, tone, voice modulation, etc were evaluated. The students were judged on the basis of confidence, expression, intonation, pronunciation and fluency. It also gave them a feel of the world of media and journalism.

National Conference by Department of Languages

Quiz Competition by ELC