Training by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education

A Team of 05 faculties of SBMJC participated in an online meeting and Training organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education. Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India. On Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta and Rural Engagement related activities in Institution.

Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College is being listed as one of the 6750 Swachh Institutions of the country in 2019-2020.It is encouraging to note that Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) are Playing an important role to achieve the objectives of sustainable development of  New India through capacity building interventions, Social responsibility, active community engagement & Swachhta related activities.

  1. Sanitation & Hygiene: In charge – Mrs. .Nazneen Ahamed.
  2. Waste Management :  In charge-Mrs. Sangeetha D.S
  3. Water Management : In charge-Ms. Gladys Lydia
  4. Energy Conservation: In charge- Mr.Balakrishna.A
  5. Greenery :In charge-Mrs. Kalpana K P

Teachers Day 2020

Teachers day celebrated in Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College KGF on 5th September 2020 and the celebration began at 12.30 pm in the conference hall. There were 85 faculty were participated. The programme led off with lighting of lamp and prayer. Programme was hosted by Mrs.Nazneen ,SWA officer by giving welcome speech, followed by Inaugural speech by Dr.Rekha sethi, Principal Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College kgf who spoke about the significance of teachers day. Faculty expressed their condolence towards Dr.Shabeer Basha sir on this occasion for his service rendered to the college. Food was served after the end of the celebration.

Governing Council Meeting – Aug 2020

Inauguration of Anti Ragging Cell and Awareness Programme

An Awareness programme was organized by anti ragging cell dated on 27th, September 2019.  To create awareness on ragging at college and its consequences & in case of any such instances whom to contact in the college & the anti ragging cell members were introduced. About 250 students from various streams were present during the occasion The Chief Guest – Dr Rekha Sethi Principal of SBMJC, Mr. Prakash Head, Anti ragging cell, Mr. Muniraju Asst Professor, Department of Physical Science, Dr. Jayapandian NSS Officer and other Faculty members and Students.

Chair Person

Mr. Harish              Sub Inspector of Police, Robertsonpet KGF


Dr Rekha Sethi      Principal, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, R’pet KGF


  • Mr. Prakash DR              Asst Professor, Department of Management Studies
    • Dr. Jaya Pandian L         Asst Professor, Department of Commerce

Mr. Muniraju                        Asst Professor, Department of Physical Science

Department of computer Science HOD Mr.Siddarama S .Presented & Published Paper in International Conference.

The Department. of computer Science HOD Mr.Siddarama S .Presented & Published Paper in International Conference.

Organised by

Nagarjuna Group of Institutions Bangalore

In Collaboration with Dhaka International University Bangladesh & MTC Global Bangalore


7Th February 2020

Conference Theme: Innovation In Technology,Business & Management

Paper Presented Topic: Underwater Optical Wireless Communication