Department of Computer Science Organized Inter Class Seminar

The Department of Computer Science Organized Inter Class Seminar

By: Thanushree A 2nd Semester BCA Student. On 31st July 2023

Topic: Formatted and Unformulated Input output Functions in C

Total No Students Attended: 60

Faculty Co-Coordinator: Mr. Siddarama S, HOD Dept.Of Computer Science.

Objective of the Inter Class Seminar:

Improving communication skills

Gaining expert knowledge

Networking with others and renewing motivation and confidence.

Proficiency in Verbal Communication:

Acquirement of Knowledge in a Particular Field:

A Different Environment than Classroom

National Level Conference Attended at Vijaya College Bengaluru.

The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr. Siddarama S Presented Paper and Students Participated in National Level Conference Organized by Vijaya College Bengaluru.

Theme of the National Conference: Intellectual Property Rights

Organized by: Vijaya College Bengaluru In association with Bengaluru Institute of Legal Studies

Date of Conference: 21st July 2023

Title of the paper Presented : Intellectual Property Rights and the Digital World

Total No of Students Participated: 15

Priyanka M

Thanushree A

Noor Aeshiya

Zaiba Firdose

Kushika K

Preethi S

Manoj B S

Nithin M N

Nithin R N

Sandeep V

Vignesh A

Rakshitha S

Ankitha N



Objective of the Conference: The Conference aims at providing an opportunity for academicians and students to learn about the basis of IPR and protect their intellectual properties. Faculty members enrich their students about legal framework of IPR and facilitate better data security, and provide information on how to file a research patent, copyright and trademark applications and defined IP infringement claims.

Dr. Thonta Aradhya Sir, Asst Professor, Department of Electronics

Students visited Electronics lab at Vijaya College bangaluru and gained knowledge about Micro processor and different electronics equipment’s and its usages in the real time. Students also gained knowledge about practical experiences about different waves in electronics.

Students visited Zoology lab at Vijaya College Bengaluru, and gained knowledge about aquatic animals and human anatomy.

Department of Computer Science Organized Orientation Day for Freshers on 19th June 2023

The Department of Computer Science Organized Orientation Day For Freshers

on: 19th June 2023

BCA-2023-24 Batch

Venue: Auditorium SBMJC-KGF

Chief Guest: Dr.Rekha Sethi, Principal SBMJC-KGF

Total No of Student Attended: 80

Total no of Faculty Attended: 07

Program Co-ordinator: Mr.Siddarama S, HoD Dept of Comp Sci-SBMJC-KGF

Objective of the Orientation Day:

The goals of the orientation programs are to create student’s familiarity with the institution’s regulations and academic standards, acquaint the students with their classmates and to learn about the other institutional members that will help students succeed.

Asked the Students Introduce your self, with their goals.

From the Department explained about Bangalure North University Prescribed-National Education Policy [NEP] Syllabus

Explained about Department Activities like academic and non academic.

Then Discussed about Language Selection and Open elective subjects and Core subjects.

Motivated students to do paper presentation and app development .

Finlay discussed about do’s and dont’s in the college campus,labs and classrooms.

The Department of Computer Organized National Level Webinar on Intellectual property on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on 26th May 2023.

Total No of Participant Registered: 648

Total No of Participated Using Platform Google Meet: 100

Total No of Participated/Views  Using Platform Utube: 854

Total No of Participant Feedback Responded: 581

Resource Person: Dr. Helen Josphine V L

Associate Professor Business Analytics

School Of Business and Management

Chirst (Deemed to be Universtiy)


Chief Parton: Dr. Chenraj Raychand

Chairman of JGI

Parton: Sri. Mahender Munoth

Managing Trustee.



Dr. Rekha Sethi

Principal, SBMJC-KGF.

Organizing Committee.

Mr. Siddarama S

Head Of  the Department  Computer Science


Mr. Umesh N

Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science



Mrs.Sangeetha D S, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Mrs. Kalpana P, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Mrs.Neelufar S, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Mrs.Mahalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Mrs.Beaula Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Mr. Ravi, Assistant Professor, Department  Computer Science

Technical Head: Mr. Ranjeeth , System Admin

The main Objective of the webinar: Intellectual property (IP) systems have been designed to incentivize human innovation and creation. Until very recently such innovation and creation was one of the defining characteristics of the human species.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to emerge as a general-purpose technology with widespread applications throughout the economy and society, this poses fundamental questions that sit at the heart of the existing IP systems. Does AI innovation and creation need IP incentives? How should the value of human invention and creation be balanced against AI innovation and creation? Does the advent of AI require any changes to the existing IP frameworks?

Resource Person Spoke about:

  • Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs) are the rights associated with intangible property owned by a company or person and protected against use without consent.
  • Rights relating to ownership of Intellectual property.
  • Aim to protect Intellectual Property (Creation of human Intellect) by allowing the creators of trademarks, patent, or copyrighted works to benefit from their creations.
  • Need of IPR: Encourages innovation, Economic growth, Safe guard the rights of creators, Ensure ease of doing business, facilitating the transfer of business.  
  • Important of assets in S & P 500 (1978 To 2010)
  • Wipro harmonizes global policy and protects IPR across borders.
  • IPR Classification.
  • Patent.
  • Famous Patent.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Patent in AI & ML.
  • Trade mark in AI & ML.
  • In PASS Website and Registration.

Best NSS Programme Award

The NSS Officer of SBMJFGC, KGF Dr. Jayapandian L received Best Nss Programme Officer Award 2020-2021 Of Bengaluru North University on 10th of January 2022 at Bosco College, Bengaluru.