The Department of commerce organized Orientation program for final year students On Internship program on 14th March 2024
Total- 50 Students attended the program

Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College – KGF
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The Department of commerce organized Orientation program for final year students On Internship program on 14th March 2024
Total- 50 Students attended the program
Department of commerce conducted one day workshop on “FINANCIAL LITERACY AND STOCK MARKET ” for BCOM students On 11/07/2022.
It was benefited to students by gaining knowledge on the following concepts.
1. Stock market analysis
2.Opening of DEMAT account
3 Equity Markets
4 SIP Investing
5.Case studies
6.Savings and investment opportunities
7. Role of Financial advisor
8.Genaral Ideas
Also few other information has been given by resource person Dr.Ramesha V.
Session was very interesting and knowledgeable.
Resourse Person: Dr. Ramesh V Co-ordinator & Associate Professor,
Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce, Govt. First Grade College for Women, Hassan
Name of the Event: Turn Coat Event Date: 26th July 2023 Event Place: Conference Hall
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Madhu Ashwini Assistant Professor Department of Commerce
Student Coordinator: Ms. Indrani – II Ms. Vanitha V II
Judges for the Event: Mr. Praveen Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Mr. Hemanth Assistant Professor Department of Commerce
Dept. of Commerce, CWC has been conducted its on- stage events for the Mega Event “Comfiesta 2k23” the “TURN COAT” on 26th July 2023 in Conference hall. 12 students participated in this competition, they have came with new ideas and this will improve the communication skills we have got wonderful sentence with the participants.
Name of the Event: Karya Neethi Event Date: 21th July 2023 Event Place: Room No 407
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Harshini K J Assistant Professor Department of Commerce
Student Coordinator: Ms. Greeshma Shree Y J – II Ms. Shruthi Y N – II
Judges for the Event: Ms. Kasturi L., HOD Department of Commerce Ms. Sandhya Asst. Prof., Dept. of Commerce
Department of Commerce, CWC has begun its off-stage events for the Mega Event “Comfiesta 2K23”. On 21th July 2023 it conducted “Karya Neethi” in Room No 407.
In this competition students are been put into a situation given by the judges, where the participant should tackle the situation with his thinking ability, facing the problems & finding the solution to overcome it. This event builds the students thinking capacity, improves Entrepreneurial skills, leading and handling situations.
Around 30 students participated in this event; they gave their best answers for the questions & tasks given by the judges and all participated very actively and answered ethically.
Name of the Event: Aaj Ka Vyapari Event Date: 21th July 2023 Event Place: Room No 405
Faculty Coordinator: Mrs. Reena ,Assistant Professor Department of Commerce
Student Coordinator: Mrs. Jayashree S V – III Mrs. Fameeda H II
Judges for the Event: Mr. Praveen Assistant Professor Department of Management
Department of Commerce, CWC has begun its off-stage events for the Mega Event “Comfiesta 2023”. On 21th July 2023 it conducted “Aaj Ka Vyapari” in Room No 405, with 15 teams participated in this competition and introduced their Re- Innovative products. This competition brings the students to know and understand about how the old and failure products can be bring into the market with the idea of re- innovation, changes in features and design.