Painting Competition

The Cultural Forum conducted Painting Competition on 8th of December 2021 in the open auditorium.


Freshers Day was organised by cultural Committee for the First Year Degree Students on 24th November 2021

National Level Webinar on “Technological Impact on Human Psychology”



Two Days National Level Webinar


“Technological Impact on Human Psychology”

Day One

Date: 10.06.2020

Time: 10.30am to 11.30am

Topic : Screen addiction ( Mobile  addiction)

Resource Person:

Mrs. Nazneen Ahamed

M.Sc. M.Phil in Psychology

Psychologist @ SBMJFGC. KGF

There were 1352 participants registered for the event, the session was informative and eye opener for this generation were mobile technology has its impact on human psychology and how to overcome the addiction was suggested by the resource person.

Day Two

Date: 11.06.2020

Time : 10.30am to 11.30am

Topic: Dark Side of Mobile Apps

Resource Person:

Mrs. Madhavi. N

Asst. Prof

Dept of Computer Science


 This session was effective and highlighted on different types of Indian apps to be used and the benefits of using such apps. The dark sides of apps used for hacking the personal contacts through these apps were focused in this session.

The platform was live on YouTube since we had 1000+Participants, they were provided e certificate after the feedback form was filled sent.

Organizing Committee

Mr. Praveen.                                                  Ms. Afseena Tashin

Asst. Prof .Dept of Commerce                     Student Counsellor

SWA -Coordinator

Vrishni 2020

Vrishni 2020 Broucher