Topic: “Education and Education System “on 19 December 2022

Cultural Forum of SBMJFGC organized Bengaluru North University events related to NEP. A Pick and Speak competition with the topic: “Education and Education System” was conducted on 19th December 2022. Students from various stream participated in this competition and won First, Second and third places. The following were the topics:

1. Importance of Education in today’s world.

2. Why we should support education in developing countries.

3. Businesses must not have a say in the education process.

4. Free education will lower poverty rates.

5. Everyone has the right to education.

6. Teacher’s role in student’s life.

7. Difference between Education and Personality Development.

8. Importance of Practical Education.

9. Home schooling is better than normal schooling

10. Education system in India.

11. Education of Girl Child

12. E-learning versus classroom learning and some more

There were around 23 participants for the event and 13 was qualified for the final Round

Prize winners: 1st place: Sania Kouser- B.com 2nd Place: Eden- BCA 3rd place: Lakshmi,-B.com


The following are the Events conducted on the Topics related to National Education Policy in the month of December 2022 in Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade colleges, K.G.F.

Report on DEBATE COMPETITION, Date: 19th & 20TH December 2022

Venue: AV Room, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade college KGF

In charge: Cultural forum

Topic: “NEP 2020 is a Boon or Bane” on 20 December 2022

As per the Guideline of Bengaluru North University, every college has to conduct various events of NEP 2020 in December. The Cultural forum of Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College, K.G.F organized Debate Competition on the Topic:”NEP 2020 is a Boon or Bane on Dec 20.2022.

No of student participated – 24

Prize winners:

Ist –prize bagged by APARNA-B.com

IInd –prize bagged by Dharshan.A-B.com Sharanya.P –BSc-PMCs

IIIrd –prize bagged by Aishwarya –B.com

Graduation Day

Graduation Day(16th Convocation) was organised by cultural forum of Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College, KGF on 17th January 2023 for 2019-2022 batches.\

Chief Guest: Shri Mahendra Kumar, Managing Trustee, SBMJFGc, KGF Dr. Rekha Sethi, Principal, SBMJFGC, KGF

Co-ordinator: Ms. Mabhu Ashwini, Asst. Prof. Convener, Cultural Forum SBMJFGC, KGF

“Good Governance Month”

Government of Karnataka Higher Education Department is celebrating this Month December as “Good Governance Month”.

Good Governance is essential for the progress, stability and prosperity of the nation and the state. The government has declared 25th December as Sushasana (Good Governance) Day and celebrates it every year.

This year, the Higher Education Department intends to organize various competitions at the college level, district level and state level to celebrate the month of December not only as auspicious but also to create awareness and inspiration among the people.

List of Competitions conducted at college level are 1. Essay Competition 2. Elocution Competition 3. Poster Making Competition

Essay Competition was conducted on 8th December 2022. -Corruption free India -Education for Good Governance -Corruption and Public Service -Desirable factor in Education

1st Prize winners: Saniya Kauser II-B.Com    2nd Prize winners: Sharan .A II-B.com    3rd Prize winners: Supriya P II-BBA

Elocution Competition was conducted on 8th December 2022. Topics were: -Corruption free India -Education for good governance    1st Prize winners: Prerna.-II BCA    2nd Prize winners: Harshee I-BBA    3rd Prize winners: Shreyas-II B.com

Poster Making Competition on 8th December 2022 in the open auditorium. The topics given by the Government of India for Poster Making Competition was 1. Various dimensions of good governance 2. Role of women in good governance 3. Reconfiguration of Higher Education according to National Education Policy 2020

Students from various stream participated in this competition    1st Prize winners: Saniya Kouser, Jyothika M, Alphen Prakash T    2nd Prize winners: Likitha A, Manasa B G, Karthik G    3rd Prize winners: Narmadha R, Nithyashree G, Deepika S

Koti Kantta Gayana ( ಕೋಟಿ ಕಂಠ ಗಾಯನ)

The Cultural Forum (ಸಾಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಕ ವೇದಿಕೆ) of SBMJFGC, KGF conducted Koti Kantta Gayana ( ಕೋಟಿ ಕಂಠ ಗಾಯನ) in the open auditorium on 28th October 2022 at 10:50 am to 11:30 am.

Total – 256 students and 46 faculty members participated in the program.

The Program was addressed by Dr. B. K. Manjula Department of Kannada, SBMJFGC, KGF.

State Oath was done by Dr. Rekhasethi Principal, SBMJFGC, KGF

The Below songs are sung by students from 10:50 am to 11:30 am 1. Nadageethe – Jaya Bharata Jananiya Tanujate 2. Udayavagali Namma Cheluva Kannada Naadu 3. Baarisu Kannada Dindimava 4. Hacchevu Kannadada Deepa 5. Vishwa Vinuthana Vidya Chetana 6. Huttidare Kannada Nadalli Huttabeku
