LIC Meeting

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The Department of English and Library Celebrated World Book Day on Monday, 24th April 2017 to encourage the spirit of reading.. Prof. Regina Subramoney, Retd. HOD FGC, KGF., was the chief guest. She spoke on how books and reading have the power to transform lives and shape communities. She quoted lines from Shakespeare’s play that … Continue reading “WORLD BOOK DAY”

The Department of English and Library Celebrated World Book Day on Monday, 24th April 2017 to encourage the spirit of reading.. Prof. Regina Subramoney, Retd. HOD FGC, KGF., was the chief guest. She spoke on how books and reading have the power to transform lives and shape communities. She quoted lines from Shakespeare’s play that are relevant even today 400 years after his death.

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  Date of the event: 13,4.2017 In association with:  Fire and Emergency Service, K.G.F DEPT OF COMMERCE had conducted an work shop on 13, 4.2017 on fire and safety management and had taken the student to the FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE at Ambedkar nagar , Robertson pet kgf The FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE had conducted … Continue reading “A WORK SHOP ON FIRE AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT”


Date of the event: 13,4.2017

In association with:  Fire and Emergency Service, K.G.F

DEPT OF COMMERCE had conducted an work shop on 13, 4.2017 on fire and safety management and had taken the student to the FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE at Ambedkar nagar , Robertson pet kgf

The FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE had conducted a workshop to the student based on how to prevent fire accident and the remedies when fire accident are taken place the student were given practical demonstration on the usage of fire extinguisher during the time of emergency . They were also been thought the various type of fire extinguisher. It was a two way communication between the student and fire dept officers which had given the student lively experience on the safety measures.

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Exeltron 2017

The event represents a confluence point for management students in K.G.F as corporate   and academicians adjudicate over the events dealing with leading burning issues competitive events range across Marketing, Finance, Operation, Strategy, Systems Human resource, Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship.

The event represents a confluence point for management students in K.G.F as corporate   and academicians adjudicate over the events dealing with leading burning issues competitive events range across Marketing, Finance, Operation, Strategy, Systems

Human resource, Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship.

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Event’s Event

Date of the Event: 12/04/2017 Chief Guest: Sir MahendraMunoth (Managing trustee) And Dr. RekhaSethi Ma’am (Principal) Description  : The 2nd B.Com ‘B’Section students organised The Event’s Event on 12.04.2017 The Special Invitees for the Day was The Visually Challenged People,The Mission for Blind from Chennai. Visionaries are not Special people .The gift of true vision requires … Continue reading “Event’s Event”

Date of the Event: 12/04/2017

Chief Guest: Sir MahendraMunoth (Managing trustee) And Dr. RekhaSethi Ma’am (Principal)

Description  : The 2nd B.Com ‘B’Section students organised The Event’s Event on 12.04.2017

The Special Invitees for the Day was The Visually Challenged People,The Mission for Blind from Chennai.

Visionaries are not Special people .The gift of true vision requires only a willingness to open our Eyes to find the ability to see beyond where the true magic of life exists.

The eyes are useless when the Mind is Blind

Recording our gratitude to Mr. Manohar and team

The Mission For Blind.

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