Webinar on कोविड-19 के बाद साहित्यिक परिदृश्य

Webinar on कोविड-19 के बाद साहित्यिक परिदृश्य will begin at 12:30PM IST on 22/05/2020, being conducted by the Department of Hindi, SBMJFGC, KGF, Karnataka.

Resource Person Dr. Pranav Shastri. Associate Prof – HOD Department of Hindi Upadhi Mahavidyalaya,. Pilibhit – 262001. U. P. INDIA.

International Women’s Day

Sampark 2020

National Science Day 2020

The science club organized the National Science Day on 28th February 2020 for B.Sc students on the theme “Women in Science” .The chief guest Dr Rekha Sethi, Principal, and SBMJC, KGF addressed the gathering on the role of science in day to day life and role of in women in science and technology. Students presented power point presentation on women scientists and their contributions. Various competitions were conducted and students actively participated and won the prizes in quiz, collage, color your imagination, identify me, chrom art and face painting. 

First Aid Training by RC- SBMJC, KGF

RC- SBMJC, KGF conducted First Aid Training on 22 Feb 2020 in the conference hall. The speaker Mr. Jagadish (Founder and owner of Vidhi NGO) briefed the participants about the major life saving skills and help the needy in emergency situations.