Faculty Development Program: Dec 2016- Day 2

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Rotaract Club outreach program to Sericulture University, Chintamani

Visit to college of sericulture, chinthamani by rotaract club The visit was made on the occasion of kisan diwas (23 December) with a motto of learning different methodology involved in sericulture. Also had a visit to following units 1.Apiculture unit 2.Biodiesel unit 3.packaging unit 4.weaving unit 5.Biocraft unit Mulberry field,Green house.finally experienced great Aroma and … Continue reading “Rotaract Club outreach program to Sericulture University, Chintamani”

Visit to college of sericulture, chinthamani by rotaract club
The visit was made on the occasion of kisan diwas (23 December) with a motto of learning
different methodology involved in sericulture.
Also had a visit to following units
1.Apiculture unit
2.Biodiesel unit
3.packaging unit
4.weaving unit
5.Biocraft unit
Mulberry field,Green house.finally experienced great Aroma and taste of mulberry tea.

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Visit to Biodiesel unit at Dr.TTIT

The II PUC science students visited the Biodiesel unit at Dr.TTIT

The II PUC science students visited the Biodiesel unit at Dr.TTIT

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Induction Programe for II PUC by BBA Students

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Science Expo 2k16

Science club of SBMJC KGF organized science expo 2016 on 16th Dec 2016 for schools and colleges to develop scientific attitude among the young minds. Science club took initiative to bring in excellence among the budding minds and ignite ideas of magnificent ideology to bring in ghee need value to learn science through science expo. … Continue reading “Science Expo 2k16”

Science club of SBMJC KGF organized science expo 2016 on 16th Dec 2016 for schools and colleges to develop scientific attitude among the young minds.

Science club took initiative to bring in excellence among the budding minds and ignite ideas of magnificent ideology to bring in ghee need value to learn science through science expo.
The principal Dr Rekha Sethi inaugurated the programme with intellectual message to the participants about the role of science in everyday life.
Various schools and colleges from kolar and Bangalore actively participated in various competition.

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