Inauguration Of EcO CluB

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Inauguration of Indian Red Cross society

Indian Red Cross Society organized an Inaugural function to observe Geneva Convention Day on 12.08.2015 at 02.00 p.m. in SBMJC, K.G.F.Function started with an Inaugural song by Ms.Arshiya, III BGB and followed by Inaugural dance by Ms.Bhavya shree from II BGB to grace the function and blessed. Welcome speech was proposed by Ms.Sophia M of … Continue reading “Inauguration of Indian Red Cross society”

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To bring awareness about various issues such as Road Safety Rules to the society, Swatch Bharath, Waste Management [Medical], Health and Hygiene and role of students in Indian Red Cross Society




        HEADED BY

Dr.Rekha Sethi


Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College., K.G.F

         CHIEF GUEST:

Dr.Manjunath M.B.B.S D.Ortho

President of Private Hospitals,  Kolar.


Message by chief guest:

The Chief Guest Dr. Manjunath addressed the gathering about the role of students in bringing awareness in various issues such as Road Safety Rules, Swatch Bharat,Waste Management[Medical],Health and Hygiene and also motivated the students to actively participate in Indian Red Cross Society.

Message by Principal:

Principal Dr.Rekha Sethi addressed the students on the importance of Indian Red Cross Society and the initiatives taken in SBMJC K.G.F and advised the students to actively participate for the upcoming activities.


Varshith M.R of II BGB presented a power point on Indian Red Cross Society.


The charts on Health and Nutrition, Waste management and Diseases were displayed by the B.Sc Biotechnology students and had the interaction session with the chief guest and various questions were posted and discussed.

The overall programme was anchored by the students Ms.Sanjana III BGB & Varshith M.R II BGB.

The session ended with vote of thanks by Ms Keerthana III BGB Followed by National Anthem.

AVISHKAR 2015-2016

Avishkar 2015-2016 is going to be organized in the open auditorium on 19th August 2015 in the open auditorium from 9:30AM onwards. All the PUC and Degree students are Invited.  


Avishkar 2015-2016 is going to be organized in the open auditorium on 19th August 2015 in the open auditorium from 9:30AM onwards.

All the PUC and Degree students are Invited.


Women’s Cell Inauguration

Women’s cell organized an Inaugural function on 08.08.2015 at 10.30 AM in SBMJC, K.G.F.Function started with an Inaugural song by Ms.Gowri priya, I BBM  and followed by Inaugural dance by Ms.Pallavi and team from III B.Com to grace the function  and  blessed. Objective:  To bring awareness about the Role of Women in the Society. Behaviour, … Continue reading “Women’s Cell Inauguration”

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Objective:  To bring awareness about the Role of Women in the Society. Behaviour, problems facing by the college going girls  and women and different modes to overcome all the above said issues using various laws as per the Indian constitution.


                    HEADED BY  DR.Rekha sethi


Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College


                   CHIEF GUEST: Ms.Anitha O.A

Legal and probation officer

Women and Child welfare Department, KOLAR

Message by principal:

Principal Dr.Rekha sethi addressed the students on the importance of dressing and the girls behavior in the society with opposite gender. It was an impressive talk and touched everybody’s sense to realize about the dressing sense and behaviour with opposite gender.

Message by chief guest:

Chief guest addressed the gathering followed by the Principal about the importance of  women in the society, rights, problems faced and different ways to overcome the challenges. It was an extra ordinary talk   which impressed   the faculty and student community.

A beautiful poem about a women presented by Mrs Rashmi  Administrative Staff .

The overall programme anchored by the student members Ms.Sanjana III BGB & Swapna I BGB.

The students’ member Aneeqha II BGB presented a power point on the role of women in present society. It was an amazing presentation.

Report of women cell presented by the co-ordinator Mrs. K Roselin Dept of Biochemistry.

The session ended with vote of thanks by Member Miss Amreen Saba III BBM Followed by National Anthem.

Articles By D sreenivas Prasad

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