The Department of Computer science conducted Inter class Seminar by 1st Year BCA students.
On 1-4-2016
Topic: Stack Implementation
Objective: To improve communication skills, Body language & presentation skills

Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College – KGF
Live Blog for recording all the ongoing activities.
The Department of Computer science conducted Inter class Seminar by 1st Year BCA students. On 1-4-2016 Topic: Stack Implementation Objective: To improve communication skills, Body language & presentation skills
The department of computer science HOD Mr. Siddarama. S Invited as Resource person. At. Bangalore university P. G. Centre KOLAR. On 2-4-2016 Title: “Use of Technology in Desertation ” Objective: To create awareness of Desertation, Theses & Formatting For Final year P. G MSW Students
The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr.Siddarama. S Presented Paper in National Conference. Organized By New Horizon College Bangalore On 18th March 2016 Title: Ideas For Sustainable India Topic: “Intrusion Detection Using Data Mining ”
The Department of Computer Science HOD Siddarama S Presented a paper in National Level Conference Organized by CMR Institute of Management Studies Bangalore On 3rd and 4th March 2016 Title : ” Recent Trends and Innovations in information Science ” Topic: “The false positive alert reduction using data mining techniques in intrusion detection ”
The Department of Computer Science HOD Siddarama S Presented a paper in National Level Conference
Organized by
CMR Institute of Management Studies Bangalore
On 3rd and 4th March 2016
Title :
” Recent Trends and Innovations in information Science ”
Topic: “The false positive alert reduction using data mining techniques in intrusion detection ”
The Dept. Of Cs HOD Participated In Sramadhana Organized By NSS Dept.