The Department of Computer Science HOD Received Best Paper Presentation award in International Conference

The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr. Siddarama S Received Best Paper Presentation award in International Conference Organized by SJES College Bangalore In association with Microsoft IT Academy and Knowledge partner GIAAM Foundation On Wednesday, 28th March 2018 Published in the UGC approved journal ” International Journal of Business Administration Research Review (IJBARR) with ISSN … Continue reading “The Department of Computer Science HOD Received Best Paper Presentation award in International Conference”

The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr. Siddarama S Received Best Paper Presentation award in International Conference

Organized by

SJES College Bangalore

In association with Microsoft IT Academy and

Knowledge partner GIAAM Foundation

On Wednesday, 28th March 2018

Published in the UGC approved journal ” International Journal of Business Administration Research Review (IJBARR) with ISSN 2348-0653 and E-ISSN 2347-586X with an Impact Factor of 4.729

Objective of the conference:

We live in a society that is constantly evolving where practice and customs charge are fast leveraging information.  New techniques emerge and play a vital role in imparting business and the society.  Technology has been evolving and impacted the way work, live and communicate.

At SJES College Bangalore
Best Paper Presentation Award
Best paper presentation Award certificate
SJES College Bangalore
SJES College Bangalore
2nd year BCA Students at SJES College Bangalore
BCA Students at International Conference
1st Year BCA Students at SJES College Bangalore
1st  BCA Students at International Conference SJES College Bangalore
SJES College Bangalore
SJES College campus Bangalore









Senior Faculties Attend One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of NAAC

Senior Faculties ( Dept HOD ) Attend One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of NAAC Organized by  In Quest (IQAC) Ushering in Transparency In Quality Assessment & Assurance St Annes College Bangalore  on  22nd March 2018 Total No faculty attended:09 Objective of The Seminar To Understand the multidimenstional aspects of Quality Assurance To focus … Continue reading “Senior Faculties Attend One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of NAAC”

Senior Faculties ( Dept HOD ) Attend One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of NAAC

Organized by 

In Quest (IQAC)

Ushering in Transparency In Quality Assessment & Assurance

St Annes College Bangalore 


22nd March 2018

Total No faculty attended:09

Objective of The Seminar

  • To Understand the multidimenstional aspects of Quality Assurance

To focus on the delivery of the curriculum incorporating new New Methodology of NAAC

To explore the ramifications of ICT backed methodology in teaching learning experience

The importance of AAA in HEIs

MOUs their declination in the skilling process to meet global demands

To discuss the mutuality of responsibility of HEIs and stakeholders

St Anne’s college Bangalore
St Anne’s College Bangalore
With Dr.Priya Narayan Asst.Adviser NAAC
With Dr. Priya Narayan
St Anne’s college Bangalore
St Anne’s college campus Bangalore



Mr. Siddarama S Invited as Resource Person

The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr. Siddarama S Invited as Resource Person At Aadima Kolar  On 15th March 2018 Topic: Mobile Technology Oganized by NSS Departement   Objectives: To create awareness of Mobile Techonology among the studets. Uses of techonolyg, application & generations of the technolgy and motivated the studetns do projects and research … Continue reading “Mr. Siddarama S Invited as Resource Person”

The Department of Computer Science HOD Mr. Siddarama S Invited as Resource Person

At Aadima Kolar 


15th March 2018

Topic: Mobile Technology

Oganized by NSS Departement


Objectives: To create awareness of Mobile Techonology among the studets.

Uses of techonolyg, application & generations of the technolgy and motivated the studetns do projects and research on Mobile technology and discussed about scope of mobile technology in feature.



Department of Computer Science Organized Outreach Programme at Govt. School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F

The Department of Computer Science Organized Outreach Programme at Govt. School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F No of days Organized: 10 Days  From 15-02-2018   To 26-02-2018 Place: Govt  Kannda Higher Primary School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F Total No of Students Cordinators: 60  Total No of Studets Attended: 30    Outreach is an activity of providing services to any populations who might … Continue reading “Department of Computer Science Organized Outreach Programme at Govt. School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F”

The Department of Computer Science Organized Outreach Programme at Govt. School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F

No of days Organized: 10 Days 

From 15-02-2018   To 26-02-2018

Place: Govt  Kannda Higher Primary School Doddakambli Village-K.G.F

Total No of Students Cordinators: 60 

Total No of Studets Attended: 30 


Outreach is an activity of providing services to any populations who might not otherwise have access to those services. A key component of outreach is that the groups providing it are not stationary, but mobile; in other words they are meeting those in need of outreach services at the locations where those in need are. In addition to delivering services, outreach has an educational role, raising the awareness of existing services.

Objective of the outreach programme: (Extension Activities)

To provide a unified view of any scientific field, outreach programs need to realistically portray the subject in question. Consequently, topics and methods actually taught in Computer Science courses should to be touched upon in Computer Science outreach programs or, conversely, elements from successful Computer Science outreach programs can be used to enrich established courses in Computer Science. We follow up on the latter aspect and investigate how outreach material might be used as a teaching resource in lower primary school  Computer Science. In particular, we extract and classify learning objectives from the activities of the well-received Computer Science Unplugged program. Based upon this classification, we comment on where and to which extent these activities can be used to enrich teaching Computer Science in Primary School  education.

Day one & Two   Topic: Parts of Computers

Class: Final Year BCA



Day Three & Four: Input Devices

Class: 2nd BCA


Day  Five & Six : Memory Devices

Class: 2nd BCA


Day Six & Seven: MS Office

Class: 1St BCA

Out reach Validictory Funciton on 02-03-2018

Chief Guest : Dr Rekha Sethi Pricipal of Jain College K.G.F

Placement & NSS Officer Mr. Jayapaindian 

System Admin Mr Naveendran 

Govt School Stff Mr. Gopal Sir 

Govt School Staff Ms. Mohana Jijaya

Govt School Staff Ms. Praveena Madam

Token Of Appreciaiton from Dr. Rekha Sethi  Principal

Distribution of Certificates to Govt School Childrens 

Distribution of Certificates to BCA Students 

Stationary Distibuted to Govt School Students 


Department of Computer science organised “Feel free to express your feelings”

The Department of Computer science organised “Feel free to express your feelings” On 14th February 2018 For 1st BCA Students                         Organized By 2nd BCA Objective: To understand each other                    To eliminate stage fear   … Continue reading “Department of Computer science organised “Feel free to express your feelings””

The Department of Computer science organised “Feel free to express your feelings”

On 14th February 2018

For 1st BCA Students

                        Organized By 2nd BCA

Objective: To understand each other

                   To eliminate stage fear

                   To make Unity