
District Level Leadership Workshop ( DLTW ) named Ashavattha was organised by Rotaract 3190 in Bangalore at PES university. Few of our Rotaractors along with Board directors attended the Workshop on 27th 0f august. The workshop focuses on Board directors, project chairs and other working members on their roles and responsibilities which is to be followed in … Continue reading “Ashavattha”

District Level Leadership Workshop ( DLTW ) named Ashavattha was organised by Rotaract 3190 in Bangalore at PES university. Few of our Rotaractors along with Board directors attended the Workshop on 27th 0f august. The workshop focuses on Board directors, project chairs and other working members on their roles and responsibilities which is to be followed in the club.This was followed by general orientation for all the Rotaractors and exclusive assembly for the President and secretary.

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