Rotaract Conference at PES University

The Rotaractors of SBMJC, KGF represented in District Meet youth Service (ICGF- Inter City General Forum) at PES University. In the Meet Various people like Mr.Sharath (National Level Swimming Champion), Ms.Aadya (National level Spell B Champion), were honored for bringing Glory to the Nation. Ms.Mount Mary Nisha and Ms. Pooja P of SBMJC, KGF were … Continue reading “Rotaract Conference at PES University”

The Rotaractors of SBMJC, KGF represented in District Meet youth Service (ICGF- Inter City General Forum) at PES University.

In the Meet Various people like Mr.Sharath (National Level Swimming Champion), Ms.Aadya (National level Spell B Champion), were honored for bringing Glory to the Nation.

Ms.Mount Mary Nisha and Ms. Pooja P of SBMJC, KGF were Nominated for Cultural and painting respectively.

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