Debate competition

Date 9.5.2024

Cultural forum organised Debate competition for the students to gain the knowledge of debating and be able to express they views an also it makes them understand what makes a good debate .student were judged on the following criteria:
1. Communication skills
2. Valid point
3. Body language

The students were given the topic :
*Social Media use in today generation is good or bad.
*Voting awareness necessary to the society to understand the essential of the citizenship .

Over all 45 students participated .

The winners for the Debate competition for the Topic:
1st place – Ayesha Siddique from I BCA
2nd place – Naresh Prajapath I BBA
3rd place – Shurti Y.N III

Against the Topic:
1st place -Harsher II BBA
2nd place- Madhumitha III
3rd place -Sameera I-BCA, Sandesh III