The Department of Computer Science Organized Orientation Day For Freshers
on: 19th June 2023
BCA-2023-24 Batch
Venue: Auditorium SBMJC-KGF
Chief Guest: Dr.Rekha Sethi, Principal SBMJC-KGF
Total No of Student Attended: 80
Total no of Faculty Attended: 07
Program Co-ordinator: Mr.Siddarama S, HoD Dept of Comp Sci-SBMJC-KGF
Objective of the Orientation Day:
The goals of the orientation programs are to create student’s familiarity with the institution’s regulations and academic standards, acquaint the students with their classmates and to learn about the other institutional members that will help students succeed.
Asked the Students Introduce your self, with their goals.
From the Department explained about Bangalure North University Prescribed-National Education Policy [NEP] Syllabus
Explained about Department Activities like academic and non academic.
Then Discussed about Language Selection and Open elective subjects and Core subjects.
Motivated students to do paper presentation and app development .
Finlay discussed about do’s and dont’s in the college campus,labs and classrooms.