The Department of Computer Science Organize felicitation to V Sem Subject Toppers From Bangaluru North University & Farewell
On 21st September 2022
At Conference Hall
Total No of Students Attended:250
Chief Guest: Mr. BABU, Office Superintendent SBMJC-KGF
Guest of Honor: Dr.L Jayapandian, NSS Officer, IQAC Co-coordinator & Placement Officer SBMJC-KGF
Objective of the Programme:
To motivate the students so all students can achieve their academic excellence
Chief Guest Note: Mr. Babu sir spoke about the academic , feature plan and informed about the higher studies. Sir also spoke about PGCET rules and regulation how to apply all information updated to out going students.
Guest of Honor Note: Dr. L jayapandian Sir addressed about scope of NSS and its features Sir informed about placement for out going batch and higher studies. He also spoke about interview skills and preparation.