Condolence Rally for our Brave Hearts By NSS

Department/Cell/Forum: National Service Scheme (NSS) Name of the Event: Condolence Rally for our Brave Hearts Date of the event: 14th December 2021 Chief Guest:  Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal, Dr. L. Jayapandian NSS Officer,

Brief description about the Event: The NSS Unit of SBMJC, KGF organized Condolence Rally for our Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, Mrs Madhulika Rawat and 11 other persons on board died in a helicopter crash near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu, in the unfortunate accident, on Wednesday 8th December 2021. Dr. Rekha Sethi Principal and Dr. L. Jayapandian NSS Officer Staff Members and NSS Volunteers took part.