News Reading Competition

The Department of English organised a News Reading Competition on Tuesday, 22nd  October 2019. The students took part enthusiastically. The objective of the competition was to encourage the students to improve their reading skills and enhance their general awareness. The talented newsreaders read the main headlines, national and international news, state and city news, business, … Continue reading “News Reading Competition”

The Department of English organised a News Reading Competition on Tuesday, 22nd  October 2019. The students took part enthusiastically. The objective of the competition was to encourage the students to improve their reading skills and enhance their general awareness. The talented newsreaders read the main headlines, national and international news, state and city news, business, sports, entertainment news, etc. The volume, pitch, pace, accent, tone, voice modulation, etc were evaluated. The students were judged on the basis of confidence, expression, intonation, pronunciation and fluency. It also gave them a feel of the world of media and journalism.