Department of computer science

In Association With IQAC Organised

One Day Motivational Training Program on

” Navigating Uncertainty : Strategies for Adapting in STEAM-x Careers in the AI Era “

on 27th September 2024

Resource person

prof.(Dr.) V. llango.PhD,

Head Researech Center,

Department of computer Application,

CMR Institute of Technology,


Dr.Gnaneshwari Gnanaguru

Head Center of Excellence for Application

Development, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Application,

CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Chief Guest

Dr.Rekha Sethi




Mr.Siddarama S

Head Department of Computer Science


Total Number of Student Attended : 100

Objective of the Program

By the end of the Motivation cum training session, students will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Define and articulate their long-term career goals within the computer sciences field.

Create a personalized roadmap outlining educational, skill development, and career milestones.

Develop networking skills and strategies for building meaningful professional connections within and beyond the organization.

A toolkit for Identify and implement clear action steps and short-term goals to make immediate progress.

Stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and potential career opportunities within the computer sciences landscape.

Build effective personal branding, including crafting compelling resumes and developing a strong online presence

Cultivate leadership and teamwork skills essential for career advancement within computer sciences teams.

Develop coping strategies for stress and pressure.

Obtain relevant certifications in respective computer sciences field for added credibility.

Understand the importance of adaptability and innovation, applying these principles to navigate the evolving computer sciences landscape.

Value and engage with the business community through various avenues, such as volunteering or mentorship.

Embrace a global perspective on steam-x, considering international opportunities and understanding the broader impact of the profession.

Cultivate an inspired and motivated mindset, equipped to tackle challenges, pursue opportunities, and embark on a lifelong learning journey in computer sciences field.

Seek diverse internship opportunities for hands-on experience.

Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

These learning outcomes are designed to empower students to navigate the complexities of the computer sciences profession, fostering a sense of confidence, adaptability, and a proactive approach to building a successful and fulfilling career. The ultimate goal of session is to equip participants with the tools, mindset, and strategies needed to navigate and excel in their careers, importance and choice of higher education, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over their professional destinies.

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